Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Christian Mafia (Evangelical Zionists)

Something that came up recently is this book called the "Muslim Mafia" that was made by The Christian Mafia known as "Evangelical Zionists" such as Dave Gaubatz and his allies in the Republican Party. Rep. Sue Myrick wrote the forward to this book, which brings up the question how much money is she getting for illegaly infiltrating an American organization known as CAIR. Why is CAIR being treated like a foreign nation? It is a grassroots American Muslim Civil Rights organization that stands up for the rights of American Muslims. We as Americans should be proud of it's existence! This book the Muslim Mafia is such a joke, especially because it is written by the Christian Mafia itself! So, seeing how this is setting a new presedence, should Christian and Jewish Churches, Synagogues, Organizations and Businesses be infiltrated by Athiests legally? Are Athiests allowed to do the same thing without being punished? This WASP & Zionist conspiracy against Americans who happen to be Muslim is disgusting! We as patriotic Americans need to stand up and help our fellow Muslim Americans, not hurt them.

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