Monday, September 28, 2009

Patrick Poole: Terrorizing Ohio Muslims

The Infamous Right Wing Nazi (Neocon-Zionist) blogger "Patrick Poole" who lives at his parents house is a self styled "expert consultant on terrorism"! LMAO

This guy is such a fraud that you have to give him credit for his overweight Rocky Mountain Oysters. However, he is a racist, biggot, and Islamophobe from hell. As a Christian, I would say that he has hurt Christianity more than any terrorist. He has attacked every Muslim in Ohio under the flag of anti-terrorism. Recently, someone close to Patrick Poole informed us that he is having some difficulties getting funding from the Israeli intelligence services and that his Katza explained why he is not getting any more funding.

Well, the reason for this lack of funding must be the fact that Israel has become a potential hostile in relations to the US Foreign policy. American intel services have said that if Israel decides to attack Iran with fighter planes, that the USA would have to shoot them down! Also, as some trivia that you may not be aware of, Israel has more spies in the USA than in a lot of other countries. That is why they are such a big security risk. Patrick Poole who works with many "Sayanim" has had difficulties with his "Katza" from the information a close person to him has emailed us.

Also, it appears that the FBI is investigating Patrick Poole's connections with Israeli intelligence services. From what we have come to understand is that he has been funded by Israelis and has been blogging for them for some time to create disinformation against Muslims to further their goals. By turning American Muslims into the enemey, he has been trying to get more funding for their cause. This is criminal behavior that rightfully should be investigated! Long live the USA! God bless the USA!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Christian-Zionist Law & Muslim Persecution in the United States

As an American, this is a sad day that I write that American Muslims have become targets of Nazi hate from Neocons/Zionists/Evangelicals! I keep finding more and more articles of the Christian and Jewish Right Wing hating on Muslims. This is sick, it's a disease of these racist European people who can not leave behind their superiority complexes! Why should I as an American have to keep answering for these racist pigs? When are we going to wake up and stop the hate? The Muslims are the new "Ni**ers" as it seems. The Right Wing people call them "Sand Ni**ers, Dune Coons, etc." This is sick...a real American would never hurt other Americans or anybody else for that matter with this Nazi hate speech. I pray that Jesus gives these racists a slap in the face for what they are doing to wake them up! As I know Jesus, he most likely will by making other people succeed instead of them!

Imagine if Rifqa Bary were Julie Johnson,0,127808.column

Imagine if Rifqa Bary were Julie Johnson

Scott Maxwell


September 27, 2009

Maybe you've already formed a strong opinion about teenage runway Rifqa Bary.

But imagine if the family that helped her run away from Ohio weren't a Christian one here in Orlando. Imagine, just for a moment, that the circumstances were reversed.

Imagine this news story ...

COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Orlando girl, feared missing for two weeks, has been found in Ohio — in the home of a Muslim imam.

The girl's parents, devout Christians who live in a modest suburb in east Orlando, were shocked to learn that the imam and his wife had been harboring their daughter, Julie Johnson, all this time without letting them know.

Julie was 16 when she ran away — a minor in the eyes of the law.

The girl's parents assumed that their daughter would soon be returned home. But Ohio authorities have so far refused.

The imam and his wife — who met Julie through an online prayer group — say she no longer wants to be a Christian.

They say she has converted to Islam and is now afraid that her parents may use their Christian beliefs to justify hurting her if she is returned to Orlando.

Mainstream Christians have said that notion is preposterous. They say Christianity is a religion that espouses love and compassion.

But conservative Muslims say otherwise.

"There are verses in the Bible that talk about killing children," said Ahmed Akmed, a Muslim activist, who has made a career out of mixing religion and politics, pushing Muslim-based amendment drives and raising money for his cause. "And we can point to numerous examples of Christian activities that are dangerous to minors."

As evidence, Akmed cited snake handlers, hate groups and even some Christians who claim their faith teaches them to withhold medicine from their children.

He also quoted verses from the Old Testament — specifically Deuteronomy 13, which talks of stoning and killing children who turn away from the Lord to worship other gods.

"We're not making this stuff up," Akmed said. "It's out there. And it's in their Bible."

Christians throughout America were both dumbfounded and insulted by the accusations in this high-profile case.

"That's a gross and intentional misrepresentation of our faith," said one Methodist minister. "Yes, there have been a handful of heinous acts perpetrated in the name of Christianity. But the vast majority of Christians — we're talking 99.99 percent — not only have nothing to do with such extremism, they actively condemn it.

"Anyone who has spent any amount of time in an American church knows that Christians do not take every verse literally. Jesus' primary message was one of love and compassion."

Muslim activists, however, say they are not willing to bet Julie's life on that.

"Didn't Christians in Florida just last year use Old Testament verses to justify changing their entire state constitution to ban gay marriage?" Akmed asked. "So why would we believe that they take parts about fornication literally — and not the parts about killing family members?"

Florida officials say they have investigated Julie's parents, visiting the Orlando home and talking to people who know her, finding no evidence of abuse.

Instead, they found a diary where Julie wrote that she believed she had been called by Allah to be a prophet for Islam.

Julie's parents say their daughter is a confused girl who is struggling with her faith as well as her adolescence.

But if she wants to become a Muslim, they will let her. "I just want my little girl back," the father said.

They are also confused about precisely how their teenage daughter ended up 800 miles away with an imam who runs a little-known mosque from a movie theater inside a struggling mall in suburban Columbus.

Florida officials agree with Julie's parents that she should be returned to her home state, where she would be placed in the foster-care system.

But officials in Ohio have dragged their feet, pleasing Muslim activists who are pressuring politicians and claiming that anyone who supports reuniting Julie with her Christian parents will have her blood on their hands.

Perhaps it's hard to relate to a story that sounds so far-fetched. It's difficult, after all, to truly put yourself in the shoes — or pews — of another.

But it doesn't seem too far-fetched for everyone involved to follow and apply laws the same way, regardless of faith.

Or to treat others the way you wish to be treated — a value espoused by both Jesus and Muhammad.

Scott Maxwell can be reached at

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Zionist, Messianic-Christian Network Inside Evangelical Churches: Walid Shoebat, His Clones and Enablers

The Zionist, Messianic-Christian Network Inside Evangelical Churches: Walid Shoebat, His Clones and Enablers
Charles E Carlson Sep 23, 2009

Walid Shoebat’s words are artful and inflammatory…each phrase seems designed to incite fear of, and therefore hatred for Muslims. Chosen People Ministries’ local branch inside Scottsdale Bible Church sponsored Shoebat’s appearance, and took up a collection to pay his substantial honorarium. A Chosen People Ministries spokesman set the tone with a dramatic, Islam did it, introduction of the program wrapped around its Day 911 Commemorative Service.

Shoebat is a well-paid servant of a foreign power, political Israel. He pretends to be an Arab terrorist converted to Christianity. Except for the money that changes hands, Israel is the only beneficiary of Shoebat’s deception. His central theme is the Zionist message, Muslims hate Christians, and his own alleged history as a 16-year old terrorist, is the authority upon which millions have listened to him. Shoebat repeats many times the statement that is the title of his book, “Why We (Muslims) Want To Kill You” (Christians). He insists Islamists will kill us unless we convert to Islam, and seems to leaves no alternative but to kill them first. Endnote(1) Who is Walid Shoebat, Part I

Walid is a most convincing speaker as we should expect of a trained Israeli agent. His presentation is a barrage of words. He says so much you have scarce time to think about each staccato conclusion. You are, instead, impacted with vivid impressions pounded out one after another. When Shoebat talks about Islam he reads fluently from the Qur’an in Arabic and translates it into English as he sees fit. English speaking listeners are left at the mercy of his translation. He also quotes phrases from the Bible, including the Old Testament, Third Chapter of Joel, which he stretches to his purpose, warning his listeners that upon Jesus' next coming He will judge harshly for “dividing the land.” Implied is Israel should have it all.

This author invites anyone to show me where Jesus or his followers ever said anything about land ownership. Zionism’s second objective, along with generating hatred of Islam, is to seed the false notion that God gave the land of the Philistines to present day political Israel. Endnote(2) Roots of Christian Zionism

If there had been no Walid Shoebat, Israel would have had to invent him and they are inventing more speakers very much like him. We have learned to our horror, that other Shoebat sound alike’s tell equally preposterous terrorist tales from pulpits and at colleges, preying upon vulnerable Judeo-Christian churches whose members pay lavishly for self-deception.

At one very important event at the US Air Force Academy chapel, no less than three Shoebat clones were assembled, each one spinning his own amazing, topper story of brutal terrorism and conversion to Christianity. At both the University of Colorado in Boulder, and at Berkley, California, two Shoebats shared the spotlight, sponsored by the College Republicans for which upward to $10,000.00 was paid by the taxpayers. Obviously someone scheduled these appearances, and we know that common thread. Endnote (3) Chris Hedges, The War Upon Tolerance

Chosen People Ministries also is a network of interwoven ministries, all focused on one thing: the acquisition of money to be used in the service of Jews and of Israel. The ministry, found by a Jew named Cohen who became a Christian, makes a thin pretense of converting Jews to Christianity, but, in fact, it usually does the opposite. A few minutes spent scrutinizing these related web pages should convince any clear-eyed Christian that he or she will not benefit from the intensely sophisticated money acquisition system described therein. Endnote (5) Chosen People Ministries


Chosen People Ministries is also an Israeli front. It is one of the oldest national “Messianic” Christian movements, dating back to the 1890s, not long after the spawning of the evangelical church. Cesar Aharon, a Jew turned Christian, described Messianic church movements as the ones that claim to convert Jews to Christianity, but in fact are invariably led by Jews, to convert Christians to Judaism

I would add to Cesar’s remark that the conversions, if any, are not to Orthodox Judaism, which opposes Zionism, but to reformed Judaism and its most powerful political spokesman, Christian Zionism. Endnote (3) Aharon Judaizing Elements of the Messianic Movement Cesar Aharon and Benzion Melechson

Chris Hedges, former Middle East Bureau Chief for the New York Times, and a man with experience in Palestine during the very years when Shoebat was growing up in the USA, wrote of the three Shoebat clones who spoke to the Air Force Academy Cadets:

“These men are frauds, but this is not the point. They are part of a dark and frightening war by the Christian right against tolerance that, in the moment of another catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil, would make it acceptable to target and persecute all Muslims, including the some 6 million Muslims who live in the United States. These men stoke these irrational fears.” (4)

Shoebat’s “history” of terrorism is balderdash. It is nonsense made up from scratch: he even lies about his name. We see nothing unusual with writers and speakers using aliases, but this man may be the first to claim his real given Arab name, Walid Shoebat, is an alias that he made up to protect himself from “terrorists.” We suspect he discredits his real name to throw researchers off the trail of his family members, who seem to tell the truth about him when asked. Walid’s polished and memorized speech,, his books, his videos, and even his resume are a ball of yarn with a hundred loose ends. The best proof that Shoebat is an Israeli agent comes from the nonsense of his own statements in books and interviews. In 2004, a gullible BBC correspondent quoting Shoebat:

“My whole dream was to die as a shaheed [martyr]. I would open my shirt hoping to be shot- but the Israelis would never shoot at the body, so I never succeeded, he said.”

But the Intifada (uprising) did not start until 4 or more years after 16-year old Walid went to America. Also his statement that Israelis “never shoot the body” can only have been written by a Zionist, for hospital records prove Palestinians suffer head wounds most often, followed by body shots. Israelis shoot to kill even when using rubber coated bullets.

Shoebat: “One day, in the middle of a riot, Walid was part of a group which snatched an Israeli soldier who was trying to quell the violence. They beat him senseless and tried to lynch him, before he was rescued by troops and the group fled. "We ran to a monastery where the nuns protected us - even they hated the Jews!" Walid was eventually caught and imprisoned in the Muscovite Prison in Jerusalem, but was released after a few weeks. He returned to violence straight away, bombing an Israeli bank in Bethlehem.” Endnote (6) (Raffi Berg BBC News Online, 2004)

Walid’s story about hiding with local nuns has a fairy tale sound. He may have borrowed it from the Van Trop family scene in Julie Andrew’s “Sound of Music,” popular at the time Walid was growing up. The Nazis in a family movie may have respected a convent, but Israel would not. The idea that he was arrested, then turned loose, is also quite unlike Israel, where many youths have been held without charges in prison for years. This is a land where torture is approved by the Supreme Court, and anyone suspected of beating a soldier would probably never see the light of day.

We Hold These Truths caught Walid’s trail through the good fortune of discovering a credible witness who says Shoebat could not have done any of these things. A Christian pastor introduced this man whom we will call, “Ali,” though that is not his real name. “Ali” and Walid knew each other as high school mates in the late 1970’s in Beit Sahour, a village of only 250, near Bethlehem. Ali says none of the events Walid testified to happened, and there were no secrets in his village. Shoebat was an ordinary high school student from a well-to-do, nominally Muslim, religiously mixed family. There were no bombings or soldiers’ kidnappings.

Walid confirms that his mother was an American, not a Muslim, and he left Beit Sahour for the USA on her arm when he was only 16. Had he had a criminal record, as he claims, he would not have gotten out of Israel, nor into the USA.

Ali’s story of his daily life with Walid is supported by a feature article in the usually pro-Israel “Jerusalem Post” on March 30, 2008, by Israeli reporter Jorg Luyken, who wrote a feature story about Walid Shoebat entitled “The Palestinian terrorist turned Zionist”. The Post reporter explains in detail that he checked family references in tiny Beit Sahour and interviewed Shoebat’s relatives who are still there, and who reject Wahid’s story of a “terrorist” past. The reporter’s conclusions mesh with those of our anonymous witness. Endnote (7) Jerusalem Post

The J-Post story is thoroughly researched and effectively exposed Walid’s lone child-bomber story as a fairy tale. The Post did not overlook the lies Shoebat tells about his given name, and it calls his financial dealing into serious question. We do not care how much money he takes in, only how many innocent lives he costs. Walid’s family members recall him as an ordinary schoolboy with an American mother who kept him away from most of the family and hurried him off to the USA at first opportunity, leaving her other children behind with the father. Walid says his mother did not like Muslims, and he was trained by his mother.

When the J-Post questioned Shoebat about gaping holes in his life story, he made no admissions or apologies, but spun even more ridiculous tales in an attempt to cover for himself. Walid insists he did indeed bomb Bank Leumi, even if the bank did not know it; he supposes the bank might not have noticed it was bombed because he threw the bomb on its roof.

Caught in a lie, Shoebat comes up with bigger lies, a standard technique of the professionals. We would like to know how big a bomb a 16-year old can throw onto a bank’s roof? Writer Luyken clearly did not buy Walid’s story and concluded with a rhetorical question.

Luyken: “If the Bank Leumi bombing claim is unfounded, it is unclear why Shoebat would have wanted to manufacture a terrorist past. True or not, however, it has plainly brought him some prominence and provided him with a means to speak in favor of Israel and be paid for doing so.” Endnote (6) Jerusalem Post

I would not expect the writer for the “Jerusalem Post” to risk his job by naming an obvious conclusion he has exposed. We Hold These Truths will not dodge it. We think it was an Israeli handler who, as the J-Post suggests, “manufacture(d) a terrorist past” for Shoebat. His stories of beating soldiers and single-handed bombings never happened and are an invented cover for his career as an agent for Israel. With the state of Israel to back his story, what has Shoebat to fear? Walid’s only risk is that we and others will expose him, Israel will get someone else to do his job, and the money will stop flowing to him.

Not one word Shoebat says can be believed. He lies about his past, a network of planned and coordinated interwoven lies. This deliberateness of his lies is born out by a careful examination of his SBC speech, which reveals that Shoebat dropped all mention of his long-bomber, terrorist, prison record. He smoothly blended in a different story of his supposed activities in a US college, which he did not document in any way. Shoebat now wants us to forget the old lies he told and move on. Only a fool would do so. His speech writers use incendiary race hatred and a dash of race-sex to play on listener’s raw emotion with generalities about Muslims:

“Why do we want to kill you…until you submit?”

“A (Palestinian) man decapitated his daughter on his doorstep”…and the (Muslim) community supported him.

“They will be there to pursue your children”

“They do like to marry American girls.”

Judeo-Christians like those 500 or so at SBC, believe Shoebat because they want to. They want to believe him because they have been conditioned to accept the strange notion generated by World Zionism that all Muslims are out to get all Christians. Chosen People Ministries, operating inside the church, uses Shoebat to sell his deliberate deception to the gullible people of Scottsdale Bible Church. Endnote(8) Shoebat, at SBC, You Tube

Shoebat: An Israeli agent or a freelance Bernard Madoff ?

We observe that it is nigh impossible for a freelance con-man to live such a lie as Shoebat has wrapped around himself; but trained agents of intelligence organization go lifetimes on invented identities and cooked up histories. They often tell dramatic lies that are so big and dramatic they can be remembered and are rarely challenged.

When Shoebat is exposed by a respected writer like Chris Hedges, the “Light of Truth” Hedges publishes freelance is overshadowed by Shoebat’s network TV appearances before a friendly host to an audience of 10’s of millions and his featured appearance on a DVD called “Obsession” that was claimed to have been sent to 27 million people.

Shoebat’s success as a confidence man can be contrasted to Bernard Madoff, who is now finally in prison, but who lived a total business lie for much of two decades. Madoff lied to everyone, but he sent checks periodically to all the people he was slowly fleecing, obtaining the money from new fleece donors. One who gets a check has trouble believing the person who writes it is not a good guy...until the check bounces. Now everyone knows Madoff was for 20 years a professional deceiver, and the lies have not ended because no one knows who got away with the money.

Mr. Shoebat, like Mr. Madoff, is a quantum deceiver, but Shoebat does not give checks away; he only collects. His story would be quickly unraveled were it not that someone with power and influence is lending him credibility. The proof that Shoebat is an agent for Israel is that he has so many clones. We know of at least four of both sexes. Chris Hedges talks about three “stooges” who were all coordinated at one program at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. A fourth clone, Bridget Gabriel, works ostensibly for Pat Robertson. (Chris Hedges, the “Light of Truth”)

Other aspiring professional Zionists promote Israel with secular groups and even Muslim groups. I have met no less than three in Phoenix, who are either former or current Israeli agents, paid or de-facto, trying to climb the ladder toward the fame and fortune. One is a professing Muslim, medical doctor, Mohammad Zuhdi Jasser, president of the Phoenix-based American Islamic Forum for Democracy, whose words prove that there are also Islamic Zionists. A young former IDF air force pilot who gives free, anti-Palestinian speeches at low budget meetings; finally, Scottsdale art dealer Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent wrote “By Way of Deception,” an expose’ on how the Mossad works. He tells of the Israeli recruiting and training process at the highest level, far above the training of professional liars like Shoebat. Israel propaganda is big business, an issue for another story.

Intervention outside Scottsdale Bible Church Day 9-11, 2009

Scottsdale Bible Church, with a reported 5000 members and regular attendees, and a 2500 seat auditorium, is one of the more affluent churches in the Phoenix Metro area. Attendees at this service were admitted only by advance registration. Others who came without advance tickets were rejected at the door of the 1/3 full house.

The acts of members outside the Church support our view that Shoebat’s balderdash terrorist story is protected from challenge wherever he speaks. His role is to convince Judeo-Christian church members that Palestinian “terrorism” justifies Israel’s acts of aggression and that the victims deserved to be annihilated because of alleged hatred of Christians. To paraphrase: “We” Muslims hate you so much you really need to hate us back to protect yourselves. No mention is made of Jesus’ admonition to love your brothers and even your enemies.

The saddest fact we witnessed at our vigil at Scottsdale Bible Church (SBC) was the willingness of the sponsoring church to allow its members to be deceived. Shoebat was promoted to the church by Church members who are associated with Chosen People Ministries. But the church’s lead pastor, Jamie Rasmussen, approved the program and the use of the auditorium, probably under the “no harm, no foul” thinking. But there is harm. Zionists inside the churches are promoting death and destruction for Muslims everywhere, and a few Americans will also die. Project Strait Gate provided the Senior Pastor all the information we had three weeks in advance by letter and FAX . We offered meetings to discuss it, which were ignored.

Twelve Vigil Team members, dignified and disciplined, stood quietly in the 104-degree sun until it set, displaying our message on large signs to those entering SBC. One of these read;

“SHOEBAT IS A FRAUD”; another read


Some of those entering the church, let us know they understood our message and did not want to hear it with gestures, a number of thumbs down, and a few obscene gestures. An older man in a new, black Mercedes stopped to tell two of us, “You have better be gone when I come back in thirty minutes. We were very much there, but we did not see notice the Mercedes again.

The church’s most overt act of agitation came from a baritone singer who came out in snakeskin boots to sing Christian Songs to us. A buddy with a church nametag stood, watched, and directed from the church parking lot. The singer stood belly-to-belly and hip-to-hip with demonstrators and sang “Jesus” songs loudly in each of our ears for well over an hour. ( Mercifully, he did not approach the three lady picketers.) His was a most uncomfortable, in your face, agitation right in front of the off-duty hirelings, who said not a word. We complained to them and even summoned the regular Police patrolmen once. When they appeared, the man in the boots stepped away a half step until the patrolmen were gone, and then went right back to singing in our ears.

His buddy wearing a church nametag “Scott,” called the singer to give him instructions upon which the latter returned, and zeroed in on Hani, one of two Muslim Arabs we invited to answer questions about Islam. The singer became a preacher, reading loudly in Hani’s ears from the Bible. He even proclaimed that Hani was going to “hell.” Wherever Hani walked, the snakeskin boots followed, only inches away from his heels. It must have been a miserable two hours for Hani, but to his credit, he kept his temper.

It is our experience that off-duty cops working for churches will make small stretches of law and facts if asked to do so by the tax-exempt church that pays them to be there in uniform. We have learned not to trust off-duty police. To counteract them, we insist on the presence of local on-duty police to referee. One attendee, who knew us, came out to warn us that the hireling police were quietly warning attendees not to talk to or take literature from demonstrators. We assume this was part of the church’s police briefing.

In two and a half hours, only three members of the congregation, one a before-mentioned friend, walked the short distance to the street to talk to any of us. If I was a SBC church member I would want to walk past the police to the street to ask, “OK what’s your story?” or “Do you have anything in writing that explains why you are picketing my church?”

Christian Zionism can best be understood in the dishonest acts and words of Walid Shoebat. Like his record, Zionism is a lie. We have listened carefully to the Shoebat program, which we refer you to on You Tube. He had much to say about the “evils of Islam” and “Why we want to kill you.” but he did not say one word about converting Muslims to be followers of Christ, supposedly the evangelical mission.

Shoebat also materially altered his story for this event, perhaps because of our advance exposure of him, leaving out all references to his phony acts of terror in Palestine. He even omitted his hallmark, bank bombing yarn that has been a part of most programs and his website history.

It seems Shoebat has stopped telling just this one lie, having been caught in it. This is all the more proof that he is a programmed professional deceiver, selling war and death in the name of Jesus Christ. Similarly Chosen People Ministries did not make an appeal for Jews to convert to Christianity, as is supposed to be its purpose. Evangelicals always ask for conversions even when they don’t mean it.

Judeo-Christians pretend to believe the unnatural and impossible in the name of loving Israel. They turn from Jesus’ words of love to programmed Zionist words of hatred. The troubadour in the snakeskin boots was the church’s missionary to us. He sang songs featuring Jesus’ name to harass and torment, hoping to inflame to violence. This is vile, hate-filled fruit of Zionism, hiding behind Jesus’name, and ignoring the meaning of His very words and acts. It clearly demonstrates that Christian Zionism is not Christianity.


(1)Who is Walid Shoebat, Part I

( 2) Roots of Christian Zionism

(3) Judaizing Elements of the Messianic Movement Cesar Aharon and Benzion Melechson, DVD

(4) Chris Hedges “The War Against Tolerance”

(5) Chosen People Ministries


(6) Raffi Berg, BBC News Online, 2004

(7) Jerusalem Post

(8) Shoebat, SBC, You Tube

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nonie Darwish - Con Artist & Gold Digger Extraordinaire Starts New Organization: Former Muslims United (God Money Worshippers)

It looks like Nonie Darwish the poster child for right wing evangelicals has struck again with creating a new hate organization called Former Muslims United. What next the KKK is going to open a civil liberties organization? This gives me the inspiration to start Former Christians United...or maybe Former Jews United to be the new civil liberties organization representing ex jews and ex christians trying to run away from the Zionist/Neocon/Evangelical death squad. These people really want to destroy America by turning us into Hitler's playground. The Whore of Babylon (Nonie Darwish)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Couple (Global Revolution Church's Crusader Marshall - Blake & Beverly Lorenz) Who Harbored Rifqa Bary Speak Out

This is a disturbing video of the Crusader's trying to cover their tracks, in order to escape legal liability. However, that is not going to happen...they are legally responsible for the illegal activity they were involved in and will suffer monetary damages even if they try to re-organize their Church. The FBI will find where their money is going.

They will not be able to escape The USA's legal system, no matter what fanatical sect of Christianity they follow. The "Voice of the Martyrs" Christian Terrorist Magazine was mentioned in the interview by the Crusader Marshall and his wife. This is very scary, because the Voice of the Martyrs is a Crusader Magazine that pushes for hatred of Islam and Muslims in general.

Evangelical Attorney: Christians On Wrong Side Of Rifqa Fight

Evangelical Attorney: Christians On Wrong Side Of Rifqa Fight

Jeremy Weber
Now that controversy over the fate of Rifqa Bary -- the teenage Christian convert who ran away from her Ohio home fearing her Muslim parents would kill her -- has reached Elian Gonzalez proportions, many evangelicals may be tuning out the never-ending headlines.
But don't miss this one.
Craig McCarthy was the Orlando attorney representing Rifqa Bary's mother until Sept. 3. He is also a committed evangelical. And, contrary to those who have mobilized around Rifqa's cause, McCarthy believes her Sri Lankan parents are in the right.
McCarthy is "happy that the child knows Jesus." But he is concerned that "many Christian conservatives have allowed themselves to adopt a narrative and thus reach conclusions ... prematurely" -- to the extent that their evangelistic zeal has led them to spread false information.
The core of his message: "Please recognize that the Lord is not so powerless as to need people to hide information, to embellish facts, or to give false witness in order to advance Christ's kingdom."
Read it all here.

Why I think Rifqa’s mother is in the right

Why I think Rifqa’s mother is in the right

By Craig McCarthy, Special to the St. Petersburg Times

Published Friday, September 18, 2009

Editor's note: Craig McCarthy, a private attorney in Orlando specializing in juvenile courts, was the court-appointed attorney for Rifqa Bary's mother from Aug. 10 until Sept. 3. Rifqa Bary, a 17-year-old Christian convert who fled Ohio for Orlando, has claimed she'll be killed if sent back to her Muslim parents. Last week, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement found no credible reason to believe that. At a Monday hearing, her parents' attorneys plan to argue that the case should be dismissed in Florida and sent back to Ohio.

The objective facts of the Rifqa Bary case, viewed with a minimum of passion and maximum wisdom and discernment, should matter, to Christians in particular.

I am writing now because a report by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has been released addressing the claims of Rifqa Bary that her parents would allegedly kill her because she has converted from Islam to Christianity. The report provides additional documentation of things I have known for some weeks but have not until now been at liberty to say.

It will astonish many fellow conservatives as well as many on the left to learn that I, an evangelical Christian, have vigorously defended Rifqa Bary's mother in court. And I believe that my former client's cause is just.

From the beginning of this case until earlier this month, I was the attorney for Aysha Risana Bary, Rifqa's mother. I hope it comes across as nothing but a simple fact when I say this to you: I know more about what is really going on in this case than you do — and those of us who are Christians and conservatives ought to be interested in the facts behind controversial stories.

I found the Lord and became born again at the age of 5 and was raised in an evangelical tradition and environment. With the exception of my live appearance on Fox News Channel's Fox and Friends last month, I have made my faith as a Christian clear to every journalist who has interviewed me about this case.

I am an attorney who has been involved with probably close to a thousand cases involving child abuse and neglect, both on the side of the state and on the side of parents who have had the state dismantle their families. (A little aside: I almost lost my job way back for trying to save Terri Schiavo while I was a Department of Children and Families attorney — I was critical of Attorney General Charlie Crist in that case then and am critical of Gov. Charlie Crist in this case now.)

Bottom line, I am a Christian attorney who believes in working to advance the cause of Christ while I'm here in this fallen world.

And I also believe that many Christian conservatives have allowed themselves to adopt a narrative and thus reach conclusions about the Rifqa Bary case prematurely, just as we accuse the mainstream media of sticking to their preferred narratives instead of squaring their passions with reality.

Early on, I all but pleaded with Christians to hit the pause button and wait for more investigation and facts. The implications of getting this wrong have pained me greatly. Now to the facts.

On the morning of Aug. 10, I was working at the juvenile courthouse in Orange County. I observed people loudly making threats to bring in the media and the governor about some matter to be heard that day. Something immediately seemed "off" about some of the personalities in this case (and by that I do not mean the child herself).

Later that day, I was appointed to the case to defend Rifqa's mom. This was not purely by chance. As the person in my county who is routinely appointed to serve as an attorney ad litem to speak for children in foster care, I had been asked to stick around. It was anticipated that I might very well become Rifqa's attorney.

When the attorney who had at first entered an appearance on behalf of Pastor Blake Lorenz later changed her position and declared that she in fact represented the child Rifqa, however, I was given the task of representing one of the parents in the case. It's inside baseball for most readers, but I was immediately struck by the strangeness of Lorenz's attorney spontaneously declaring an attorney-client relationship with the child in open court that hadn't existed the moment before.

That sense of strangeness remains relevant given a recent motion to clarify the roles of Rifqa's four attorneys filed by DCF. In any event, I took the case on behalf of Rifqa's mom and started digging, knowing from the beginning that the case had implications for people of my Christian faith and being determined to get it right.

By Aug. 12, I already had solid documentation that at least one thing circulating in the media and on blogs was flat wrong: that the parents had not reported the child missing for 10 days. Not long after, I was able to nail down another misreported "fact," that the child's note left to her parents had not been given to police. Neither of those things are true.

Why are those relatively mundane facts important? They are important because the person reporting them couldn't possibly know those things, yet so-called adults surrounding Rifqa eagerly passed those things on to media without analysis, one imagines, because they served to paint the child's parents in a bad light.

Knowing that the key facts first presented in Orlando were just plain wrong, and almost inexplicably wrong given that neither claim could possibly be known to anyone in Florida, I continued with my sense that something was "off" here, and kept digging.

I was annoyed as a Christian, as an officer of the court and as a litigator (in that order) that many with whom I agree on many issues were so willing to disregard the notion that a parent has the right in this country to raise and influence a child without governmental interference, unless there is evidence of abuse or neglect that is credible and not based on stereotypes or based on the beliefs or actions of what people who are not the parents might think, feel or do.

Consider this: A minor goes missing; an Amber Alert is issued; law enforcement officials develop information; that information brings police to a lead; that lead actually has knowledge of where the child is; despite the fact that the lead initially denies his knowledge of where the child is, police are able to put that together with a call to the National Center for Missing and Endangered Children, and then they find the missing child. … Yet the response of certain people involved with this case is to be outraged that the police did their jobs. Something is "off."

Then came the FDLE report executive summary. It's out there now. It confirms things I already knew. When Mohamed Bary personally showed me photographs of his daughter in a cheerleader outfit when we met for the second time on Aug. 21 (he had driven from Ohio to Florida twice to attend court hearings), I knew that claims that he had no idea that his child was a Westernized and normal high school student were nonsense.

Reading the FDLE report, I now have confirmation of several things I'd developed information about. I am no longer involved with this case as an attorney. It would be improper by my writing to interfere with the Barys' new attorneys and how they want to proceed. Suffice it to say that a growing list of otherwise uninterested people would have to be lying in order for what you think is true about this case to be true.

To my Christian readers I say that most of you likely had a heartfelt desire to protect a new convert to our faith. I can't fault you there. Quite frankly I am happy that the child knows Jesus, but that is a personal feeling and not relevant to my previous job of defending these parents from the power of the state to take their family apart.

Please recognize that the Lord is not so powerless as to need people to hide information, to embellish facts, or to give false witness in order to advance Christ's kingdom. You homeschoolers in particular ought to pause and weigh the power of the state to take your child into foster care against your feelings on this case and whether or not you would wish to be afforded a competent defense should religious biases be used against you some day.

To any readers who may be of the People for the American Way variety who blog about the hypocrisy of Christians, I simply present myself, an evangelical Christian who believes in facts and law and has extended himself far out on a limb before his peers on behalf of Rifqa's mother.

To any readers who may be Muslim, do not allow your reading of certain blogs to taint your feelings toward your Christian neighbors.

And to Rifqa, one year younger than my older child, I say that as a father and as a Christian, and as your mother's former attorney, I care about you and have since Aug. 10. God bless you, and I believe that all things will work together for good.

Craig McCarthy, a graduate of West Point and Florida State Law School, was the court-appointed attorney for Rifqa Bary's mother for the first several weeks of this case.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sue Pamela Gellar & Robert Spencer!

Why doesn't anybody sue Pamela Gellar and the whole right wing mafia? Let us real Christians and Jews join in sueing these right wing nuts for their atrocities against the American People and Nation! I think that every right wing nut case needs to be taken to court to answer for all the false allegations they print about their opponnents. I think every time they attack a person because of their race or religion, they need to be put in jail just like any common criminal. (Yes this means you Pamela Gellar and Robert Spencer!)

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Christianity

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Christianity

The use of the term Politically Correct to talk about how real society deals with issues is a popular right wing rhetoric and slogan to describe anything that is true. If they want to set the standards such as the "Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam", then the same applies to them. I am helping right a book right now which may be called "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Christianity" and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Judaism" to reflect the hate of the Neocons and Zionists who have been attacking other peaceful American Citizens in this beautiful country of ours. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Also, One Nation Under God (not just Jesus or Yahweh). These fundamentalist Christian evangelicals are a danger to our society!

Rise of the Right: The End of America


United States is on the road to becoming a fascist society, right under our very noses.The Ten Steps of the Fascist Shift as interpreted by Naomi Wolf and applied to the Bush administration, could equally apply to Presidents in the 1920s, 1940s, and 1950s. United States history has been through many worse times and survived.
While researching the 1920s for my book The Ragmans War, I learned many dark secrets about the Roaring Twenties hidden in union archives, news articles from that time, and in memories of old men.
Applying the 10 steps to the administrations of Wilson, Harding and Coolidge would have made it the 1920s the worst decade for fascism in US history. Steel and Rail Barons controlled all branches of government and wielded their influence to keep millions of immigrant workers laboring in the mills and mines for little or no wages. Dissidents and union organizers who riled against this serf system of cheap labor that kept the Twenties stock market roaring were branded as anarchists. They were detained, deported, jailed, or murdered.
In the mining towns the mine families were forbidden to bear arms, to assemble, to have free ingress and egress to their towns, to sing hymns, and join unions. During the 1927-28 strike in the western Pennsylvania coalfields, they had their property seized and sold at auction and were evicted from their houses even when the rent was paid. Company agents had free access to invade their homes at whim.
Constitutional abuses in the bituminous coalfields around Pittsburgh were so bad that members of the US Senate decided to visit the area to evaluate the situation. The ACLU did their own investigation and reported their findings in a booklet titled The Shame of Pennsylvania.
Dont believe me then look it up for yourself or read Bucket of Blood the Ragmans War, The Battle of Blair Mountain: The Story of Americas Largest Labor Uprising, or Storming Heavan. Then there was the Red Scare of 1919, the Palmer Raids, and persecution of the IWW (Wobblies)? What about the Red Scare of the late 1940s under Truman? How many communists and sympathizers were detained, deported, jailed, or went into hiding?

The Ten Steps of the 1928 Fascist Shift:

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy (Communists, Wobblies, Labor Unions).

2. Create a gulag ( Captive Coal Towns, Wobbly Interment Camps, Deportation Centers).

3. Develop a thug caste (Coal and Iron Police, Pinkerton Men, American Legion).

4. Set up an internal surveillance system (Paid Stool Pigeons, Mail Interception).

5. Harass citizens groups (Company Sheriffs, State Troopers, County Sheriffs, Constables, Coal and Iron Police, KKK, Jim Crow Laws).

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release (union organizers, black lists, civil rights activists, Wobblies, innocent immigrant workers).

7. Target key individuals (scientists, academics, journalists, artists, writers, social activists, movie producers, labor leaders and organizers).

8. Control the press (coal, steel, and rail barons, judges, Hearst Syndicate).

9. Dissent equals treason (Sedition Laws, Red Scare, Palmer Raids, Anti Union Laws).

10. Suspend the rule of law (suspension of Constitutional rights for coal and steel families, Rossitor Injunctions, Coal & Steel companies rule the towns they own, their appointed agents are the law).

OOPS!!! Wolfe forgot about suppression of free speech.

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V's Speech to the Right Wing Nutcases

This is such a beautiful speech by V to the masses regarding the Right Wing Nutcases: If you see what I see...if you feel what I feel...

Ergun Caner The Fake Muslim Convert Exposed

OMG this is the funniest thing I have ever seen, this right wing nutcase is trying to pass off as an ex-Muslim. From our sources who know him personally, they say that his father was a Turkish Muslim, however his mother has always been a European Christian. He was raised as a Christian and was never a Muslim. His parents do not live together. Out of spite for his father not wanting to live with his mother, he has choses this money making path to hate his father by attacking the Islamic faith. Sad how these evangelicals have to attack other people to promote their false religion of hate. Real Christians do not teach this rubbish! Please don't judge Christians based on this fool. This fool was trying to jump on the Rifqa Bary bandwagon! What a joke, if this is Christianity, then we don't want to be Christian anymore!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Histrionic Rifqa Bary In Full Fanaticism Being Cheered on By Adults

This is such a disturbing child soldier propoganda video that you think it came out of Blood Diamond. Look at how this young 16 year old girl is talking, word for word she is repeating what her violent Crusader mentors have taught her:

Right Wing Watch Blog!

Wow! It's about time to see such wonderful blogs such as Right Wing Watch!

The Right Wing has started something they can't finish, that is the rest of us sane Americans blogging the evil actions of the Right Wing aka Fascists.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fathima Rifqa Bary: Christian Extremists Questioning Law & Order

In the article referenced above, the Christian Extremists are questioning Law & Order by saying that the Police have not done their job. Which is ridiculous and typical of hate mongering people when they can't have their way.

Interesting enough...Mehmet Caner the fake apostate gives his view that the FDLE is being politically correct. Well, if everybody else was not politically correct, especially the FDLE, they would call a spade a spade...when right wing elements of the Florida Government put pressure on the FDLE and they resist, they should be given a medal. If the FDLE wanted to be politically correct, they would have called the Christian Extremist groups what they really are...Christian Terrorists and Kidnappers who are allied with Israeli Zionists trying to manipulate Christians and Muslims and throw them at each other. The real culprit of hate is Pamela Gellar (Zionist Jew), Robert Spencer, Bridgette Gabrielle, and other hate mongering Nazi / Fascists. The Neocon/Zionist alliance is so disgusting that you have to laugh at their comedy blogs.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Celebrate: Michael Savage’s flagship station drops him.

Michael Savage’s flagship station drops him.

Earlier today, the conservative blog Patriot Axom noted that far-right radio host Michael Savage has been taken “off the air” from his San Francisco-based flagship station, Talk 910 KNEW. Now, a representative from the station has issued a statement explaining why it will no longer air Savage’s show:

I’m going to answer the very first question many of you have.

“Why did you take Michael Savage off the air?”

Here’s your no-spin direct answer; we have decided to go in a different philosophical and ideological direction, featuring more contemporary content and more local information. The Savage Nation does not fit into that vision.

910 KNEW’s decision is the latest blow to Savage’s efforts to spread hate. Last winter, following a campaign by the Council On American-Islamic Relations and Brave New Films, numerous advertisers ended their relationship with Savage, including Geico, Union Bank of California, and ITT Technical Institute. Savage has in the past advocated killing 100 million Muslims, compared President Jimmy Carter to Hitler, and has said that the U.S. Senate is “more histrionic than ever” because of the addition of female senators.

Pamela Geller: The Looniest Blogger Ever

Posted on 31 August 2009 by Mooneye
Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller

What do you get when you combine the most outlandish gaffes of Anne Coulter, the most awkward monologues of Sarah Palin, the senility of the crazy McCain Lady, filter any remaining logic out of it and give it a keyboard in the Bronx?

The answer is the looniest blogger ever: Pamela Geller. If you are unaware of who Pamela Geller is then we apologize for bringing her being into your world, but she is all too familiar to those of us who browse the internet and have come across her shrill and plainly insane blogging on Atlas Shrugs. (Given the amount of hallucinations on that blog, Atlas Shrugs should properly be renamed Atlas Drugs).

What is it though that Pamela believes in? What does she blog about?

Pam has the distinction of being the originator and pusher of some of the most vile and obscene conspiracy theories on the internet. Mostly dealing with Islam and Muslims but also Barack Obama, and the two are combined — A LOT. In one of her recent tirades titled, CNN Tells, Sells More Lies About Palin — it’s Time to Expose the truth about Obama, Geller writes,

So why not tell the truth about Obama and his reported strange sexual predilections? My question is, it is well known that Obama allegedly was involved with a crack whore in his youth. Very seedy stuff. Why aren’t they pursuing that story? Find the ho, give her a show!

Here she calls on CNN to investigate Obama’s “strange sexual predilections.” She also says that it is “well known” but then sneaks in “allegedly” that Obama was “involved with a crack whore in his youth.” This is just the beginning of the craziness. She then goes on to state that she believes that President Obama’s trip to Pakistan in the 80’s was originally to go for drugs but that he became indoctrinated into Jihad.

Back in the early 80’s, there were only two reasons to travel to Pakistan. Jihad or drugs. I think he went for the drugs and came back with jihad. (He did, after all, change his name to Barack Hussein Obama from Barry Soetoro, upon his return from that trip).

Real good investigative work Pam! He changed his name to what had always been his name and that shows that he is a Jihadist? For the uber-racist Pam Geller, drugs is a connotation for Black and Jihad is a connotation for Muslim; a Black man can only travel to get drugs, and a Muslim country can only offer travelers Jihad.

Additionally, Pam Geller has an unhealthy obsession with Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham. For Pam the old adage do not speak ill of the dead has no resonance, in fact she can’t even stop her self from speaking slanderous lies about the dead.

Pam, that ever-vigilant firecracker of a reporter broke a story that “even CNN didn’t care to touch.” What was this highly neglected breaking story? Obama is the illegitimate son of Malcolm X! In her 50,000 word rant, Pam Geller toys with all sorts of theories including the suggestion that Obama’s mom somehow had an amorous hook up with Malcolm?

Barack Hussein Obama Jr Malcolm X Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Barack Hussein Obama Sr., Tom Mboya, and Philip Ochieng, all share common physical features of the Kenyan Luo tribe: Modest stature under six feet, round faces, small chins, wide set eyes, slanted back foreheads, and retracted hairlines…none of these features are shared by Malcolm X and Barack Hussein Obama Jr.

She then goes on a long and wide conspiratorial line trying to link Barack’s mother with Malcolm X, and all the possibilities of how they could have hooked up. If you read the post, beware that it is long, like sleuthing through a swamp.

In a most bizarre jab at Obama’s mom, Geller wonders aloud why CNN isn’t pursuing some “story” about the “alleged” nude “pornographic” pictures taken of Obama’s mom by Frank Marshall Davis!

Why isn’t CNN pursuing the nude pornographic photos of Obama’s mom…I never ran the pics, as it was unseemly and wasn’t relevant. But this assault on Palin is too disgusting. It’s time to tell the ugly truth about the enemy in the White House and his whores in the media.

Maybe CNN and the “whores in the media” aren’t running this story because it is a non-story with no news value? Or maybe because it is a figment of a loony blogger’s imagination with no thread of truth in it? Or maybe because it has nothing to do with the job performance of that “Negro Mooslim enemy” in the White House?

That is another card in the loonieness that is Pamela Geller. She believes Obama is an enemy, i.e. according to her he is a Muslim. On the end-of-times loon website World Net Daily, Geller wrote this hysterical post titled Obama’s Islam: Now He Tells Us,

We should have seen all this coming. Obama deceitfully hid his Muslim background and schooling and his agenda. I started writing about Obama’s religious Muslim background in January 2007, and throughout 2007 and 2008 I presented evidence of Obama’s identification as a Muslim when he was a child, his extremist Muslim family and his Islamic schooling. In December 2007, I wrote, “Barack Obama went to a madrassa in Jakarta. A madrassa in a Muslim country. Whether he was devout or secular, he knows what was taught. He knows what is in the Quran. Even if he is ambiguous, he knows the stakes involved. His father was a Muslim who took three wives (without divorcing). His stepfather and close members of his family are devout Muslims. Not an unimportant influence.” And who can forget Obama’s bald-faced lies to the Jews? In February 2008, Obama told Jewish leaders: “If anyone is still puzzled about the facts, in fact I have never been a Muslim.” Yet he was registered as a Muslim in an Indonesian school…And so now we have our first Muslim presidency, just eight years after 9/11. The media can spin their subjugation and adulation a million different ways, but America did not vote for a “Muslim presidency,” which is what this is. Everything this president has done so far has helped foster America’s submission to Islam.

If that weren’t enough then you could predict what comes next. Not only is Obama the illegitimate son of Malcolm X, not born in America, on top of all that it is obvious that since he is a Muslim he must also be an anti-Semite!

Every decision, every move, every policy decision the President has made in regards to Israel has been the act of …. an anti-semite.

So there you have it the Mooslims are taking over! In fact they have already taken over America, so much so that we have a Mooslim president, who is anti-Semitic, sired by the fire breathing Malcolm X, his mom was a whore, and oh yeah somewhere in there he is also a socialist! That comes to you courtesy of the Looniest Blogger Ever!

Her blog remains “popular,” the adjective “popular” however may be a bit misleading as it seems to be popular only with crazies who espouse openly bigoted views. A glance at her comments section demonstrates this,

Posted by: jj | Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 01:24 AM , “Pigs are more humane than Muhammad. And cleaner, too.”

Posted by: En français | Monday, August 31, 2009 at 07:56 AM

What is a man with the name Matthew Polombo doing as the secretaey general of something called the Somali Youth Action? To build this big Islamic style complex exclusively for Moslem Somalis in Minneapolis means someone thinks they are there to stay ….. but as soon as we get rid of the Monster in the White House, we will get rid of them. Since they were imported, the crime rate has soared. They were criminals in Somalia, so they are also criminals in America and have no idea of American ideals and way of life. This sport center would be a hatching center for more crimes against Americans who don’t want them, didn’t ask them to come and want to get rid of them. The people of Minneapolis are insanely stupid if they allow this Obamanation to materialize.

Posted by: Sarastro | Monday, August 31, 2009 at 07:57 AM

WTF?!?!? How many dang Somalis do we have here that they need a frickin’ Youth Center? WhoTF needs Somalis here anyway? What? Are they the world’s best meat-packers?!?!?

Yeah, and I know. . . when the Muslims say “prevent” violence they mean “promote” violence.

Yeah, right. Separate gyms and pools, a place to get married, and maybe a hall or two in which to teach hatred and strategy for Islamic Supremacy?

This article is just more evidence that Muslims, (may their prophet be damned,) have no desire to assimilate or become Americans in support of America.

These comments are just a sampling of what passes as polite discourse on Atlas Shrugs, to get further acquainted with her and the loonieness of her commenters just parse through the comment section there, you will be truly mortified.

Oxymoron: Conservative Sex Symbols

The whole ideology of Conservatism is rooted in conserving and modesty. How then are vile prostitutes and strippers like Ann Coultier, Pamela Gellar, Michelle Malkin, Hasselbeck, and others conservative? They are nothing but Prostitutes for the right wing media. They degrade the value of women and turn them into eye candy and meat for the right wing male pigs to masturbate over them while they are bombing women and children in other countries. It reminds me of a book I read in college called The Crusades Through Arab Eyes, where the "Conservative Holy Warriors" of the Christian Knights Templar would sleep with Christian women from Europe who would come and offer their bodies for sex to the Crusaders in order to "boost their morale". So, by breaking Christian values and fornicating, they want to fight a holy war...these right wing conservative "sex symbols" are the modern day version of these same whores.

Apostasy: An Unqualified Fatwa

With the story of Rifqa Bary, a 17 year old who converted from Islam to Christianity, all over the news the subject of apostasy in Islam has taken center stage. If you are unfamiliar with the Rifqa Bary case I invite you read my previous articles on the subject.

Part I & Part II

As with any discussion of Islamic Law, I begin with my standard disclaimer, Caveat Emptor. Buyer beware. This is an ambitious task for a layman such as me, and I am unqualified. I firmly believe that civil disagreement is the crucible of Truth, and that reason and evidense are it's flame. In that light logic forces me to take this position. I consider it Truth, at least until a more convincing argument presents itself, and I swear by God, I invite such evidence. As I have explained before, there is no compulsion in religion. Everything right and True is from Allah.

To be clear, in Rifqa Bary's case the authentic, or inauthentic teachings of Islam have no relevance. What is relevant is whether or not Muhammad, her father, puts the girl in any real danger. I will stand by the reports of the Florida and Ohio law enforcement agencies who investigated the allegations, which are currently sealed by the judge but will become public after September 13th. As always I believe the only just solution is emancipation. I think it's silly that we consider 17 year olds children, and I can't morally advocate using state coercion to place her back with her family against her will. Set her free and let her associate with her family on a voluntary basis.

In the original video which aired August 10th Rifqa said to the camera and to the world, "If they love Allah more than me, they have to do it (kill her). It’s in the Quran." It is a widely accepted misconception that the Quran calls for the death penalty for apostasy. This is mostly claimed by Christians and Orientalists, and it’s utterly false. No such verse exists, and I challenge you to bring it. The Quran speaks repeatedly of people returning to disbelief after believing (2:217, 3:86-90, 4:137, 9:66, 9:74, 16:106-109, 4:88-91, 47:25-27), but never says they should be punished in this life. Let’s take a look.
Quran 3:86-87
86- How shall God guide those who reject Faith after they accepted it and bore witness that the Messenger was true and that Clear Signs had come unto them? but God guides not a people unjust. -87- For such the reward is that on them rests the curse of God, of His angels, and mankind combined.

Hmmm… so curse them… not kill them.
Quran 4:137
137- Those who believe, then reject faith, then believe again and again reject faith, and go on increasing in disbelief, God will not forgive them nor guide them nor guide them on the way.

Maybe you can explain to me how a person enters Islam, and then leaves it, then enters again, and then leaves it again… if you’re supposed to kill them when they left the first time.
Quran 16:106-109
106- Any one who, after accepting faith in God, utters Disbelief, - except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith - but such as open their breast to Disbelief, on them is Wrath from God, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty. -107- This is because they love the life of this world better than the Hereafter: and God will not guide those who reject Faith. -108- Those are they whose hearts, ears, and eyes God has sealed, and they take no heed. -109- Without doubt, in the Hereafter they will perish.

The “dreadful penalty” for apostasy is God’s to bring in the Hereafter.

The only time the Quran ever says anything about killing apostates it is in reference to a specific event in the life of Muhammad. While the Muslims were in Mecca there was great persecution at the hands of the pagans, and the Quran spoke at length about hypocrites among the Muslims who were spies from the pagans. Then the command was given for the Muslims to flee Mecca and migrate to Medina. This migration revealed the hypocrites, who refused to leave Mecca. Permission was given to fight those who left Islam and joined pagan tribes in aggressing against the Muslims.
Quran 4:89-91
89- They desire that you should reject Faith, as they do, that you may be like them. So, take not friends from among them until they flee in the way of God (to Medina). But if they turn back (to Mecca), seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not friends nor helpers from among them. -90- Except those who join a people with whom you have a treaty of peace, or those who approach you with hearts restraining them from fighting you or fighting their own people. Had God willed He would have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. Therefore if they withdraw from you, but fight you not, and offer you peace, then God has opened no way for you to war against them.

In this passage the apostates are broken into three categories.

1) Those allied with a tribe that has a peace treaty with the Mulsims.
2) Those who want to keep neutrality in the conflict.
3) Those allied with a tribe engaged in hostilities towards the Muslims.

As everywhere else in the Quran, permission is only given to fight those who aggressed on you first. And this verse clearly prohibits Muslims from fighting those who left Islam if they wish to live in peace or neutrality.

But then we get that famous Hadith, favorite of Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Tom Trento, that unholy trinity of islamophobia.


Whoa! Well that’s problematic isn’t it! It seems perfectly clear… kill the apostates, right? Heck, it kinda means kill converts too! I guess I'm not safe in Ohio, because I had to change my religion in order to convert to Islam. Well… this Hadith is unreliable for a number of reasons… first we’ve gotta read the whole thing:

Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84, Number 57:
Narrated by 'Ikrima:
Some atheists were brought to 'Ali and he burnt them. The news of this event, reached Ibn 'Abbas who said, "If I had been in his place, I would not have burnt them, as Allah's Apostle forbade it, saying, 'Do not punish anybody with Allah's punishment (fire).' I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah's Apostle, 'Whoever changed his religion, kill him.'"

This Hadith appears, with minor variations, in all the major hadith collections (Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Abu Da'ud and Ibn Majah), but always with the same chain of narration. The hadith is narrated only ‘Ikrima in the second generation, and only by Ibn ‘Abbas in the first generation. The only person in the chain who ever met the Prophet is Ibn Abbas, who was 10 years old when he converted and 13 when the Prophet died. Further, examining the reliability of the narrators you’ll find the many scholars considered Ikrima a liar, or at the very least untrustworthy. He was known to sympathize with the extremists of his day known as the Khawarij, who despised Ali.

So, to believe that this was an authentic teaching from Muhammad you’d have to believe that he gave a law prescribing the death penalty to a child, and no one else, not even Ali, who had been his companion for 23 years. And you'd have to believe that the boy tells no one except a liar.... and this is how the law is transmitted. But it’s not even transmitted well. In this narration the word for atheists is “Zanadiqa” which is not Arabic but Persian. In another it says, “those who abandoned Islam” and in another it says, “people from al-Zatt who worshipped idols”. These narrations of the same event are irreconsilable. An atheist can not be an idol worshiper. It's far easier for me to believe that Ikrima invented this out of whole cloth to discredit the authority of Ali.

This becomes obvious if you read the same Hadith in the collection of Abu Da'ud, which ends differently.

Abu Da`ud 3787
Ayyub informed us from ‘Ikrima that that ‘Ali, peace be upon him, burned some people who abandoned Islam. This reached Ibn ‘Abbas and he said: I would not have burnt them with fire. Indeed, the Messenger of God said: ‘Do not punish with the punishment of God.’ I would have killed them in accordance with the word of the Messenger of God. For, surely the Messenger of God said: ‘Whoever changed his religion kill him’.” This reached ‘Ali, peace be upon him, and he said: ‘Woe to Ibn ‘Abbas’.

It’s a Hadith about a rumor that Ali has been burning apostates (which never happened by the way) and when the rumor reached Ali, he says “woe” to the person spreading the rumor. Ibn 'Abbas was vindicated however. It was reported by Abdullah bin al-Harith that when he visited ‘Ali, he was shocked to find ‘Ikrima bound to a post outside the door of ‘Ali’s house. When he asked ‘Ali regarding this ‘Ali explained by saying: “This wicked man attributes false traditions to Ibn ‘Abbas." This Hadith is now what it was then... a vicious rumor.

Unfortunately the misconception that the punishment for apostasy is death is common, even among Muslims. In reality this ruling comes from an age when apostasy and treason were synonymous. In deed, to convert to Christianity in a Muslim country at the height of the Crusades would have likely cost you your head. Robert Spenser and the anti-Muslim brain trust like to over simplify Islamic law by implying that the opinion is unanimous across all scholars but this is simply false. There has always been a difference of opinion. Many scholars, most notably Ibn Taymiyyah, draw a distinction between minor apostasy and major apostasy. Minor apostasy, which consists only in leaving Islam carries no punishement, while major apostasy, which includes some kind of espianage or treason, deserved punishment. Hundreds of scholars confirm this.

As I discussed in my previous article on compulsion in religion , actions which are coerced have no moral value. And the aim of Islam is to place moral value in every action… so how can coercion be virtuous? What greater coercive force is there than the threat of death? You do nothing but create hypocrites by threatening apostates with death.

It is a basic principle in Islam that you should be strict with yourself, and soft with others. If there is any difference of opinion amongst qualified scholars we are supposed to give our brothers and sisters the benefit of the doubt. In my opinion if even one qualified scholar disagrees with such a ruling that is doubt enough to never carry it out. I stand with our mother Aisha who said, "It is preferable for the ruler to pardon mistakenly than to punish mistakenly."

So, I hope that's been helpful. Remeber everything right and True is from Allah. Any mistake is from myself. May He forgive me for my deviances, and may He manifest the Truth on your tongue, my dear reader, so that I may accept it.

Astaghfirullah, wa alhamdulillah, wa lahaula wala quwata illa billah.


There is no might or power on earth or in Heaven greater than God.

I'm way out on a limb here, but I think I figured it out! Tell me if this makes sense... if you're just tuning in go back and read Rifqa Part I: The Xenos Cult

It's 2:44 am, and I haven't slept, but the trial is today and I don't have time to polish this, so here's some real gonzo journalism. I do this all for you, my dear reader.

The Franklin County Children Services in Ohio conducted a nearly month long investigation and concluded that the allegations against Muhammad Bary were unsubstantiated and it was safe for Rifqa to return home. Although they recommended therapy for the girl, and Muhammad agreed the whole family could use counseling.

That's bad for the anti-Muslim narrative, so John Stemberger filed a memorendum basically saying, "No it's not the Dad... it's the whole community!" Basically the Noor Islamic center is connected to Dr. Saqr, who's connected to Salah Soltan, who's connected to Al-Qaradawi, who's connected to Al Qaeda and Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and all the evil people in the world. He actually said this is the memorendum. "The Muslim Brotherhood... an international organization responsible for birthing virtually every Islamic terrorist organization in the world!"

Therefore Ohio is not safe. Carry out that arguement all 10,000 Muslims at the Noor Islamic Center Community are terrorists by association. Let's just take away all their kids and give them to good evangelical families? I'll tell you one thing reader... if she's not safe in Ohio, she's not safe in Florida. All it took was a little creative Googling and I was able to determine the likely address where she's staying... But I digress.

Oh my dear reader! I can play the association game. Check this out...

My contacts in Ohio on the case say that Xenos materials and a Flash drive containing the diary of Pastor Brian Williams were found in her bedroom and were turned over to police. They also confirm that I was right about the man in the room in the video as I described in Part I. That he was bald, had a goatee. They tell me he was also at the hearing on the 21st and addressed Muhammad Bary is "Brother" like a Muslim. But this guy was not a Muslim. He was interviewed after the trial in Florida twice by CBN:

Florida Judge Protects Terrified Christian Convert
Rifqa Bary - Prisoner of Islam

This guy is Jamal Jivanjee. Jamal Jivanjee claims to be a Muslim apostate from Columbus. He befriended Rifqa in Columbus long before she fled to Florida. He was also at the court house Friday August 21st. Bald guy with a goatee.

Ok... check this out.

If he's the coach in the first video, that means he went with Rifqa from Ohio to Florida. And that means that this is probably the guy that Lorenz is protecting when he says he doens't want to reveal who bought her the ticket.

"The pastor won't say who bought Rifqa's ticket. He is trying to protect the person" ~ Orlando Sentinal

I'd even bet (if I were a betting man) that there is no ticket and Jamal drove her the whole way.

But it get's better...

Jamal Jivanjee is on the board of directors of "illuminate" and on his bio he says he's a graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA where he studied Pastoral ministry. The President of the Liberty Theological Seminary and Professor of Apologetics at Liberty University is Ergun Mehmet Caner. Ergun Caner was interviewed by the Florida Baptist Witness early in the Rifqa contraversy but he dropped out of the frey.

Ergun claims to be another Christian convert from Islam from Columbus Ohio, and claims that he lives his life with a fatwa against his life from that community, which makes him uniquely qualified to speak about this case. This man is a complete charlatan! He is a fraud! He is a liar! A dajjal! I strongly suggest you take a look at this video. It's the first in an eight part series.

Ergun Mehmet Caner is FAKE apostate. He and as his brothers are these Christians that go around claiming to be ex-Muslim preaching lies about how aweful being a Muslim is. If you didn't watch the series here's some highlights. He claims his father built that mosque, and that he was trained to be the muadhin, but he misprounounces it! In part 2 he says the Shahada is "bismillakh aman arakhim mukhamdu alham arakhman arakhim." In part 3 he says that Ramadan is 40 days, and he says, "Jesus strapped himself to a cross so I wouldn't have a stap a bomb to myself." And he's always careful to point out that apostates risked their culture, families and lives for Jesus by leaving Islam. Wallahi! This man was never a Muslim.

So we're dealing with liars. And what's worse, they train other fake apostates! This is the sourse. This is the propagandist. The brainwasher. Ergun trains anti-Muslim propagandists. Jamal is a student of Ergun. Rifqa is a "friend" of Jamal. These are the people who turned typical arguments between a completely westernized teenage cheerleader and her liberal parents into death threats and honor killing from Islamic jihadists in Rifqa's mind.

Alhamdullilah! That's all I have for now. It's not proof yet, but I think this raises some serious questions about how all these people are connected. It's still just a theory. But I think it's a stronger chain of reasoning than "They're all TERRORISTS!" Hopfully it comes full circle in the trial today.

More to come. Please subscribe.

May Allah guide the course of this trial into the light of Truth. May He expose the liars and debase them. Ya Allah! Be Just with them. May He forgive you and me for our inequities. Everything right and true is from Allah. Any mistake is from myself. Astaghfirullah, wa alhamdulillah, wa lahaula wala quwata illa billah.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Histrionic Rifqa Bary: What The Right Wing Does Not What You To Know!

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriate seductiveness, usually beginning in early adulthood. These individuals are lively, dramatic, enthusiastic, and flirtatious. They may be inappropriately sexually provocative, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and be easily influenced by others. Read more about this disorder that is obviously Rifqa Bary's reason for falling prey to the Global Revolution Church, Xenos Fellowship Church, Pastor Brian Williams, Tayee Adrian, and Pastor Blake Lorenz:

This poor girl is a victim of Fundamentalist Christian Evangelicals and their Zionist allies. She is just a pawn in their political games unfortunately. Real Jews, Christians, and Muslims need to unite against this type of Extremism.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Apostasy in Islam: No Punishment

More E-Mails on the Fathima Rifqa Bary Case!

We have recieved emails from people who have known Fathima Rifqa Bary about her attending the Mosque three times and in those three times she brought her little brother with her. During these gatherings, she made a comment to the Muslim girls in the Mosque that she is the only Muslim girl that has a boyfriend. It appears that her lies against her parents, community and Islam have a multi-tier agenda. Ms. Rifqa want's to have open relationships with boys (it seems she has something for African-American boys such as Tayee Adrian and Pastor Brian Williams), she wants to obtain her citizenship, and she wants to be the center of attention. This of course is due to her having some things in her life that she is trying to make up for, such as her blindness in her right eye. On her Myspace page she has her favorite movie listed as "A Walk to Remember", which is a classic Christian movie about this girl who's father is a pastor and falls in love with a boy who ends up not caring about her health issues. Sound familiar? Well it is, Ms. Rifqa Bary is living her fantasy at the expense of her Muslim parents and community. Shame on Rifqa's selfishness to live her fantasy and become an American Citizen at the expense of others. Also, shame on the Fundamentalist Christians that are encouraging her delinquent behavior!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

What to do about rise in right-wing extremism?

What to do about right-wing extremism?

ie. Evangelical Christian Extremists, Pamela Gellar, Tom Trento, Robert Spencer, and so on...

Rifqa Bary, Tom Smith & The Xenos Cult of Evangelicals

Ties that bind?
Has an area ministry with a focus on youth forced itself between mother and son? Or has his faith simply formed even closer

By Jim Carney
Beacon Journal staff writer

Published on Sunday, Feb 08, 2009

On a Saturday night in November, as a small group gathered for a Bible study at a Fairchild Avenue church in Kent, a woman stood along the street waving a sign: ''I Want My Son Back.''

She brought her husband and daughter, too.

''Xenos is a Cult'' and ''Tom, Don't Drink the Kool-Aid,'' said some of their signs.

Annemarie Smith, 48, a Roman Catholic from Stow, believes her 18-year-old son, Thomas, has been taken by a cult.

She has launched a religious war that has engaged the Stow police, mayor, high school and a municipal judge. Shestarted an Internet blog and is trying to rally others to the cause.

Online, she makes allegations of alcohol abuse,vandalism and brainwashing of young children. She calls the church leader and his family ''Devil man,'' ''Devil wife'' and ''Devil son.''

Her son, meanwhile, left home to live with church friends and has received an ultimatum from his parents: ''Us or the church.''

Xenos Christian Fellowship is her target.

The congregation of about 160 rented space at Riverwood Community Chapel in Kent until Smith's sidewalk protests raised concerns among the Riverwood leadership. Now the group meets mostly in Stow and Cuyahoga Falls homes, community buildings and restaurants.

The local Xenos leader, Keith McCallum, a bearded former software writer, accuses Smith of a ''terror campaign'' and threatening to shoot him. He said her allegations have no merit.

In a quarter century of ministry, he said, ''we've never had any lawsuits, crimes or misdemeanors filed against us.''

McCallum, 52, said that his group is nontraditional in that it has no building and is focused on young people, but it is traditional in its study of the Bible.

His family has a history of Christian work. His mother was born to African missionaries. Brother Scot McCallum died accidentally in 2003 while on a mission trip in Russia.

And another brother, Dennis, started a ministry in the early 1970s — much like the one in Stow — with small group meetings.

Today, Dennis McCallum is pastor of the loosely organized 5,000-member Xenos Christian Fellowship, a megachurch on the Columbus beltway.

But as some local members joke, no matter how big or how established the church, just having an ''X'' in the name seems to alarm people.

Teen finds new religion

Thomas Smith had no idea in the seventh grade that when he went to a Bible study with a friend that it would lead to separation from his family.

The invitation came from Kyle McCallum, son of the church leader.

''It was seventh grade, and, oh, this was fun,'' he said of Xenos, but then, ''eighth grade came and I really didn't care about God.''

His attendance ebbed.

''It became a battle between me and Keith . . . for him to convince me to believe in God. ''

At age 16, he had what he described as a saving moment.

''I accepted Christ. . . . It was amazing,'' he said, but he fought changing his lifestyle.

Then, last June, there a series of events weighed heavily on him. He again had dropped out of the ''fellowship.'' He had graduated from high school and there were things in his life and at home that left him conflicted.

In one day, he lost his girlfriend and was in an accident in the car that he had purchased with money working at a coffee shop.

''I thought, what is going on in my life? What is my life? Look at what I have done and where it has gotten me. I am standing in the middle of the road. My car is crashed. What do I still have?''

For a second time, he said he had a spiritual moment.

''I was like, wow, I still have Christ in my life and I still have God.''

That's when the serious rift began at home.

Baptism leads to fight

Annemarie Smith says she raised her family in a good Catholic home. Now, she says that her son has not only gone astray, but he is in trouble with the law.

Thomas was baptized Catholic and attended St. Martha school in Akron through fourth grade, at which point the family moved to Stow. After that, he said he did not regularly attend church.

His mother, a stay-at-home mom, said she had no problem with her children occasionally attending church with friends — and she believes her son's attraction to Xenos is more about friends than God.

The tension grew exponentially after Thomas' roadside reckoning and an announcement to his parents that he planned to be baptized again, this time at a Xenos service, and that he would like for them to attend.

They told him he already had been baptized Catholic and they would not attend.

The day before it was to happen, there was a fight. Thomas, by then 18, and his mother disagree on the circumstances, but Thomas left and did not return.

Thomas went to McCallum's for a few days, then moved in with some other church friends.

Blog is born

Annemarie Smith calls the baptism ''the breaking point.'' She went to Stow police asking for an investigation of cult activity.

She also launched a blog, Parents Against Xenos, and explained her feelings about the baptism: ''I was mortified. I had failed in my religion and also my son. Catholics must promise to raise their children also in the Catholic faith, I have always held that dear to my heart and this news just caught me off guard.''

His baptism and discussion of his spiritual awakening were videotaped and posted on the church Web site.

''Before I was a Christian, I was a screwed-up guy. I was living for nothing,'' he said in the video. He wasn't sure where he would be had it not been for ''the love and relationships that Keith and everyone has shown me and the Lord has shown me.''

McCallum's willingness to discuss God led them to talk in a bar until 4 a.m. on a school night, he said.

His mother said she was enraged at the video.

Thomas and McCallum later said that the meeting was until 1 a.m. at a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant on a weekend. Thomas said recently that he was mistaken about the time because he was emotional as he recalled the two-year-old event.

In response, his mother has accused McCallum of making people change their stories.

''So sad to see him scampering about like a rat,'' Annemarie Smith says on her blog.

She also is revealing about her own family, posting on the Web the fact that ''my husband works in the adult industry.''

Annemarie Smith said she believed Thomas was going to make it an issue, so she would be forthcoming. Leonard Smith, she said, is a financial officer for a Cleveland distributor of adult material and she hosted related in-home passion parties.

Her focus is on what she believes is a cult and brainwashing.

Allegations begin

In Beacon Journal interviews, she said some former Xenos members told her of spray painting at a local cemetery. Stow cemetery officials say there has been no such incident.

Annemarie Smith also suggested that college students took young boys and girls camping near Port Clinton. She said she wasn't suggesting that anything sexual happened, but that it was a brainwashing trip.

McCallum said the event was a camping ''retreat'' involving many of the families in the church — people of all ages.

The arrest of Thomas, however, has elevated the fight to the courtroom.

Thomas, Kyle McCallum and others were in a car in the Chapel Hill area several days after Christmas. Cuyahoga Falls police stopped them after receiving a report that someone was waving guns from the back seat of the car, and the two were charged with inducing panic.

Thomas says the guns were plastic, and they were playing. Their pretrial hearing is Feb. 20.

Annemarie Smith has gone to Stow Municipal Judge Lisa Coates for help.

In her letter she said: ''This may sound horrible to you, but I do hope Tom has to do some time or is punished severely, because with the grace of God and some time away from this group, he may come to realize what this group has cost him and he will begin to turn his life around.''

She wrote that Thomas ''was a great kid, honor roll every year,'' but now, ''his father and I believe with all our hearts he has been brainwashed.''

And ''as a Catholic, I believe God had a hand in Tom's arrest.''

Things get ugly

For Keith McCallum, Annemarie Smith's online campaign escalated enough in January for him to go to police about something she had said a year earlier.

She told her son that she was going to get a gun and shoot McCallum.

She didn't deny it when police investigated. A department supplemental report said that she admitted saying in anger that she would like to buy a gun and shoot McCallum. She said she didn't intend to follow up on the threat but instead she would ''affect Mr. McCallum's leadership'' through ''legal means and blog postings on the Internet.''

In all, three complaints — one from Annemarie Smith, one from McCallum and another from a family alleging their daughter was being harassed — have been investigated by Stow police, and Chief Louis A. Dirker Jr. said that, as far as the department is concerned, the cases are closed.

''From our end and from people we've talked to, there is nothing that caused us concern that anything illegal or unethical is being done,'' Dirker said.

Parents raise concerns

Jon and Brenda Roszkowski were the ones who complained to Stow police that their daughter was being harassed at Stow-Munroe Falls High School after she left the church.

They met with the Beacon Journal at Annemarie Smith's house, along with another parent and former church member, Jackie Brown, and other family members.

''Church is No. 1 before family'' at Xenos, said Jon Roszkowski. His daughter transferred to Woodridge High School to escape the problem, he said.

Stow Principal Susan Schur said she talked with students she believed were involved, warned them against harassment, but concluded that there was no behavior warranting discipline.

Brown, of Cuyahoga Falls, pulled her daughter out of the church. At one point, Brown and about a dozen family members were involved, but she became concerned about the amount of time teenagers were investing.

''They seemed to only care about the kids,'' she said of church leaders, and that was troubling. There is, she said, ''something wrong with this church. They are turning people away from God.''

Church defended

But Pastor Duane Crabbs, who heads South Street Ministries in Akron, sees it differently.

''The Jews weren't thrilled with this group of Jesus followers'' in the first days of the church, he said.

Crabbs said he was influenced in his faith by the Columbus Xenos church when he lived there.

''Xenos has a hard edge to their message, but that is the hard edge of the Gospel and that involves service,'' Crabbs said.

Young volunteers from Xenos tutor young people at South Street twice a week, Crabbs said. Xenos members also volunteer for ACCESS Inc. in Akron.

Becky Allen, an 18-year-old Stow-Munroe Falls High School senior, rejected the idea that the group is cultish and said people are troubled because ''we don't have a building.''

She was one of nearly 30 high school students who met in January in the basement of church leader Greg Morscher.

For about an hour, they studied Scripture and prayed, then had refreshments.

New member Steven Collins, 17, of Stow, surmised: ''I think a lot of people think it's a cult because they encourage you to read your Bible and pray, and people aren't OK with that.''

And, he said, there's that ''X'' in the name.

''Maybe the name of the church might freak them out.''

Focusing on youth

Keith McCallum said Smith's allegations are unfounded.

''If that is happening, we sure would like to know how and where, because that is pretty crazy stuff,'' he said.

McCallum described himself as a ''flower child'' when he grew up in suburban Columbus.

''I was a Christian kid.'' But, he said, ''I was way out of my league as I got into the drug culture. I wish there had been a church that had been able to reach out to our culture that I could rely on.''

McCallum said he has a ''furnace burning in my heart for these younger generations'' and few churches are reaching out to them.

''It breaks my heart that there are so many kids with so many tragic emotional issues going on and the Christian church is having a hard time being there to help,'' McCallum said.

The Xenos mission statement says that all people are accepted by God and the church, no matter where they are in life. According to the Xenos Web site, ''Xenos (pronounced zee-noss) is a Greek word meaning a traveler or someone living outside their native land.''

There are Xenos fellowships in Dayton and Cincinnati, too. However, the Columbus church says the satellites aren't directly connected.

Fellowship gets start

Keith McCallum, who has a journalism degree from Ohio State University and studied theology at Ashland Theological Seminary, said he has been ordained by the Columbus Xenos.

His work in Northeast Ohio began in the early 1990s, when he traveled to the Cleveland area from Columbus to plant a church. He was in software development at the time.

He launched home studies and organized the weekly ''Central Teaching'' sessions. In 1994, he moved his family to Bedford, then to Stow in 2001.

For several years, they met in Bedford, later in a warehouse in northern Summit County and then rented space at Riverwood in Kent. Recently, they've been meeting at the Quirk Cultural Center in Cuyahoga Falls.

McCallum said he and his wife, Darlene, work full time for the church. He said he had some savings from his business career and that in 2007, he and his wife made about $42,000, including taxable and nontaxable income.

The vast majority of Xenos church members have had no other church relationship, he said.

A lot of people ''have a grotesque picture of church. Often it is either past experience or it is so alien and foreign to their cultural experience. It is like walking into The Wizard of Oz.''

The church is not ''hung up'' on such things as services, robes or steeples, or even church music. ''We don't do anything traditional,'' he said — with the exception of focusing on the Bible.

He said he met with Stow Mayor Karen Fritschel and Chief Dirker a few weeks ago to explain the church mission because of the controversy.

''Spiritual decisions are extremely significant and, boy, do they cause arguments,'' he said.

McCallum said the church's beliefs can be summed up like this:

''We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, that came down to Earth to pay for our sins and make it possible to have a personal relationship with God by grace, and not by good works or rituals, but by God's forgiveness.''

And, he said, the church is praying for Annemarie Smith.

Annemarie Smith said she is ''praying for the other families of Xenos.''

Division remains

''I know I can't save Tommy,'' she said on her blog. ''He has to save himself.''

And over the holidays, she posted this: ''Holidays are unbearable and your dogs miss you.''

McCallum, meanwhile, is at a loss.

''We are all about maintaining and deepening relationships,'' so this dispute runs counter to beliefs, he said.

Thomas Smith said he has called his father's cell phone almost weekly, but there is no answer. His mother disputes that, although she says he left a message on the house phone a few weeks ago saying he is well.

He is a sophomore at Kent State University and working part time for a NASA contractor.

''I want to reconcile that relationship more than anything else,'' he said. ''They are my only parents.''

But, he said, ''it's hard to hear your mom say she thinks you should go to jail.''

Jim Carney can be reached at 330-996-3576 or