Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fathima Rifqa Bary: Christian Extremists Questioning Law & Order


In the article referenced above, the Christian Extremists are questioning Law & Order by saying that the Police have not done their job. Which is ridiculous and typical of hate mongering people when they can't have their way.

Interesting enough...Mehmet Caner the fake apostate gives his view that the FDLE is being politically correct. Well, if everybody else was not politically correct, especially the FDLE, they would call a spade a spade...when right wing elements of the Florida Government put pressure on the FDLE and they resist, they should be given a medal. If the FDLE wanted to be politically correct, they would have called the Christian Extremist groups what they really are...Christian Terrorists and Kidnappers who are allied with Israeli Zionists trying to manipulate Christians and Muslims and throw them at each other. The real culprit of hate is Pamela Gellar (Zionist Jew), Robert Spencer, Bridgette Gabrielle, and other hate mongering Nazi / Fascists. The Neocon/Zionist alliance is so disgusting that you have to laugh at their comedy blogs.

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