Saturday, August 22, 2009

Xenos Church Fellowship, Tayee Adrian, Pastor Brian Williams, Pastor Blake Lorenz, and The Global Revolution Church: Rise of Christian Fundamentalism

This situation with the Fathima Rifqa Bary story is very scary, you have a combination of underground cells of individuals working with underground mega Churches to steal peoples children for free labor camps! Interestingly enough from the reports that have been coming in, THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME THEY HAVE INDOCRINATED A YOUTH. There is a case that we were sent that deals with an Ohio Mom in Stow, Ohio by the name of Annemarie Smith who lost her son Tom to these same zealots. The name of this weblog is 'Parents Against Xenos': After reading this blog that was just recently sent to us, we believe that the same network of fanatics have done it again. We recieved an email just today explaining that the Pastor Blake Lorenz has been on vacation out of the country during the time that the fundamentalist attorney by the name of John Stemberger has been assigned to the case. He is filing to have the girl adopted by another person instead of the Pastor Blake Lorenz, probably because the Pastor will be indicted for charges of "delinquency of a minor" as well as possible "kidnapping".

What should be noted is the way that the Governor of Florida has jumped on the Fundamentalist Christian Right bandwagon and approved of keeping Fathima Rifqa Bary in Flordia for the trial! He needs to be voted out of office by every person that has a consience!

Rifqa has been indocrinated since she was probably 14 and now at 17 she is being taken, said a Christian friend of Rifqas from school. We have been bombarded by her friends sending in emails to us to let the world know about the virtual kidnapping that has taken place by Christian Fundamentalists. The new attorney on the case is John Stemberger who is associated with the Arlington Group from what we hear. Also, a close friend to the local Ohio hate-monger "Patrick Poole" has told us that he has started his hate machine again on this case relating to Rifqa Bary. This is not confirmed, but this close source to Patrick Poole in Columbus, Ohio has told us that he is a middle-aged hermit who lives with his parents and does nothing but spew hate against Muslims. Which makes us wonder why people even quote this guy in any news!

Note: The picture above is of a young Christian Fundamentalist by the name of Tayee Adrian who was Rifqa's liason with Xenos Fellowship Church, Pastor Brian Williams, Pastor Blake Lorenz, and The Global Revolution Church.

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