Monday, August 31, 2009

Big Mouth Strikes Again: Stemberger

This Crusader Clown by the name of John Stemberger has written a 35 page document attacking the Noor Mosque in Columbus, Ohio with written material from Patrick Poole and other Anti-Muslim Haters. If you are a Christian, please disavow yourself from these zealot fundamentalist Templars. Well, as we all guessed it, they have alot more on their plate now considering that there has been a link established between Rifqa Bary and Pastor Brian Williams who was connected to Pastor Blake Lorenz. There are pictures of Pastor Brian Williams as well as a massive Diary that was found on Rifqa's flash drive that show the extremist rhetoric of these Evangelicals who have indoctrinated and kidnapped this child soldier in Christ. They should be ashamed of themselves for stealing peoples children and attacking the parents. No real Christian would do these evil things.

The Caner Brothers: Fake Muslim Conversion to Christianity

The Caner Brothers are the funniest group out of all these Neocon Fundamentalists. Mehmet Caner who has no Turkish accent and does not know apples from oranges of Islam talks about how he converted from Islam to Christianity. Well, let me fill you in on a little secret...he never was a practicing Muslim. His father was a Turkish Muslim, but his mother has always been an American Christian. He was raised as a Christian to begin with, now he is practicing Evangelical Christianity and thinks that is something amazing. He speaks about Islam without understanding how to even say some of the basics of the faith. He fails to understand any of Islam's fundamentals. He claims that in Islam apostasy is punishable with death...this is obviously not true. However, in the Torah and Bible apostasy is mentioned as something who's punishment is death. But Islam is not Judaism and Christianity to have their punishment for apostasy. Considering that the Caner Brothers were never Practicing Muslims, then it would not even matter what faith they chose anyway. Please reas this bullshit report that will make you want to vomit with the amount of lies and disinformation that it contains:

Herbert London & Rifqa Bary: Right Wing Agenda

Herbert London has written a ridiculous letter to the Judge working on the Rifqa Bary case claiming that it has to do with constitutional rights of separation of Church and State...well Mr. Herbert, you are enjoining in the oppossite. You are calling for the Judge to engage in Christian Fundamentalism, which would be against the Constitution of the USA. You are a hypocrite and a fibber. Here is Herbert's bullshit rant:

No real Christian would touch you, this article or Rifqa Bary with a 10 foot pole. You and your Neocon/Zionist agenda needs a big flushing down the toilet. Infact, I think that is what I will do, if I find any books written by these Neocons, I will use it as my toilet paper. Jesus would smite these hypocrites if he was here.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Patrick Poole: Fake Counter Terrorism Expert

Where is our local hate monger Patrick Poole when you need him? Why are you all tongue tied now my Neocon friend? Why this one Sentinel is so eloquent? Patrick Poole a self proclaimed Counter Terrorism Expert is nothing but a money hungrey attention seeker that sells hate against Muslims (Islamophobia) as real news and consulting! If I love my brother humans (Muslims) then in his eyes I am a "Dhimmi". Well, the Islamic Empire has not taken over the world yet, so we are not Dhimmis, but if I was living in an Islamic State and they asked me to pay a 2% tax for military protection and I can be called a Protected Person (Dhimmi) then so be it...DHIMMI PRIDE BIOTCH! DHIMMI DHIMMI DHIMMI DHIMMI YA! Why don't Jews and Christians have a version of Dhimmi? Because they don't protect Muslims in their Jewish or Christian States. During the inquisition in Spain, all the Spanish Muslims were put to the sword and not only were they not protected from external harm, but they themselves cut off the heads of every Muslim in Spain. When the tables were turned, we Christians were PROTECTED PERSONS (DHIMMIS).

Muslim family: Problems with Rifqa Bary began with laptop gift

Pamela Gellar of Atlas Shrugs (Bullshit Shrugs) is probably having an orgasmic bloodrush to the head after reading this truthful article that just literally takes a big dump on all the right wing, Zionist, and Neocon Nazi propoganda. I hope she chokes on her own vomit every time she lies.

This is an amazingly truthful article in this world of hate propogated by Zionists and Neocons:

Muslim family: Problems with Rifqa Bary began with laptop gift

by Rene Stutzman,0,4902721.story

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Mohamed Bary is a doting Muslim father, intent on giving his daughter the best education he can. But he says he made a terrible mistake last October: He bought her a laptop computer.

Because of that laptop and access to the Internet, he says he lost his daughter to Christian extremists.

Fathima Rifqa Bary, 17, is 800 miles away, living with a Christian foster family in the Orlando area. She is a runaway who has become a cause célèbre among evangelical Christians. She fled Ohio last month, saying her father had threatened to kill her because she had converted to Christianity.

Not true, Mohamed Bary said.

"I still cannot believe she would think that," he said.

But somebody planted that idea in her head, and he is convinced it was someone she met on the Internet.

Facebook, an online social network in which users select "friends" from anywhere and everywhere, is where Rifqa met Blake and Beverly Lorenz, the Orlando husband-and-wife minister team who took her in after she ran away.

In the weeks before she fled, her parents noticed she would sleep all day and stay up all night exploring the Internet.

Until this spring, Rifqa was a model student, an obedient daughter. She earned good grades, worked part-time at a Chinese restaurant and called home even if she were running just 10 minutes late.

But about the time school ended in May, she began all-night Facebook sessions. She started withdrawing from family members and longtime friends, her parents said.

Many of her chats were with evangelical Christians, her father said. They turned her against him, he said.

Friends back family
People who know the Barys say Rifqa's allegations are crazy.

"There is no way this man would hurt his daughter," said Neil Javery, 52, a Hindu and family friend in Westerville, the Columbus suburb where the Barys live.

Mohamed Bary, 47, is a kind, gentle man who loves his daughter, takes great pride in Rifqa's school accomplishments.

He sells jewelry and Amway products, friends say.

Aysha Bary is a stay-at-home mom who speaks little English but breaks into tears over what has happened.

"My heart goes out to them," said Holly Easton of Plain City, Ohio, who owns a wedding gown business and pays Rifqa's mother to stitch beads onto gowns. "It's horrible. ... I hope they're able to reconcile, and she comes home and they can be a family again."

The Barys are not radical Muslims, friends and associates say. Their household is as normal as any other.

"It's just typical," Easton said. "Kid comes in, looks at parents, rolls her eyes and goes upstairs."

It became atypical on July 19. That's the day Rifqa, a popular high-school cheerleader, sneaked away and fled to Orlando on a Greyhound bus.

Two weeks later, the Florida Department of Children and Families placed her in a foster home. Her parents, through a pair of court-appointed attorneys, are fighting to have her returned to Ohio, where they've agreed to let her live with a foster family for at least 30 days.

John Stemberger, a conservative Christian activist and leader of the Florida Family Policy Council, has taken on Rifqa as a client and cause. He told Circuit Judge Daniel Dawson at an Aug. 21 hearing in Orlando that until she turns 18 next August, she wants to stay with her Florida foster family and be free to worship Jesus.

Rifqa told the judge she'd been a Christian for four years. Her parents learned of her conversion a year ago — and that she had kept her new faith a secret from them. She proclaimed herself a Christian on her Facebook page in 2007.

Away from home, though, Rifqa was open about her faith. She gathered with other students for "See you at the Pole," an annual prayer service held at schools around the country. Until about three months ago, she attended a youth group at the tiny Korean United Methodist Church in Columbus.

She carried a Bible to class. That upset her parents, who told her they were afraid — not that she had converted to another faith but that she'd get in trouble for violating the separation of church and state.

Her father said when he discovered her reading a Bible months ago, "We didn't go crazy and nuts."

He encouraged her to learn more about Islam, he said, and once she'd done that, she would be free to worship as she chose.

Her love for Jesus is heartfelt, he said, but he remains baffled at how that got twisted into her fear that he would kill her.

"It's so sad," he said. "After everything she has said about us, she's still our daughter, and we want her back."

Born in Sri Lanka

When Rifqa was born, her family was wealthy and lived in Galle, Sri Lanka. They owned a large house and enjoyed the benefits of a driver, a cook and a maid.

Rifqa was a tiny newborn, just 5 pounds, and very quiet, Aysha Bary said. When Rifqa was 5, she fell onto a toy airplane. It left her blind in the right eye.

Her father insisted she get medical care in the United States. He feared her care would mean a long separation from his wife and son, so he moved the family to Queens, N.Y., in 2000.

In 2004, he moved them to the Columbus area because of its excellent public schools.

By the time the Barys moved here, though, they were no longer wealthy. Two months after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Mohamed Bary was on a business trip, flying with a bag of gems, as he often did. This time, the airline ordered him to check the bag. It was lost. It contained nearly $400,000 worth of jewels, said David Leung, 48, of Worthington, Ohio, a close family friend. Financially, the family has not recovered, he said.

The Barys live in a small, two-bedroom apartment and own one car, an 11-year-old Honda station wagon that has 225,000 miles on it.

A week ago, Rifqa's parents and brothers, ages 5 and 18, climbed into that car and drove 16 hours to Orlando for a court hearing. They had hoped the judge would order Rifqa back to Ohio.

But by then thousands of people had seen Rifqa on YouTube, crying and saying that her father, because he is a Muslim, has no option but to kill her for abandoning Islam. Gov. Charlie Crist's office received hundreds of e-mails — much of it anti-Muslim — urging him block her return to Ohio.

He did not, but he sent his general counsel, Rob Wheeler, and DCF Secretary George Sheldon to the Aug. 21 hearing. While they sat watching, a DCF lawyer asked the judge to put off a decision on returning Rifqa to Ohio until Sept. 3. He did.

DCF also asked the judge to let the Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigate whether Rifqa's father and other Muslims in Columbus are a threat to her. The judge said yes to that, as well.

FDLE agents and child welfare workers inspected the family's home and questioned Rifqa's parents last week.

"I'm happy they came," her father said. "We have nothing to hide."

He and his wife are modern Muslims, he said. Now, during the holy month of Ramadan, a time of prayer, they eat nothing between sunrise and sunset. Until this year Rifqa fasted with them.

Their prayers this year, her father said, are that Rifqa will come back to them.

"We want our daughter back home," he said. "She can practice whatever religion she wants."

Rene Stutzman can be reached at or 407-650-6394.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pamella Gellar: Zionist Extraordinaire

Pamella Gellar works with her Zionist "Partner in Crime" Robert Spencer as she puts it so fittingly to commit hate crimes against Muslims. Is it any wonder why she hates Muslims? Let's see...New York Zionist Jew? Is that a surprise? Does she care about Christians or Christ? No, she does not give a rats behind about Christianity or Rifqa Bary, however she has turned into the flag bearer on this issue in order to slam Muslims as if she is an Israeli Defense Force murderer. Most likely she is a "Sayanim", which is any person who is Jewish that may be called on by the government of Israel to serve as an operative/spy to further their cause. In this case she acts like a Christian American concerned about us "poor Americans who can't defend ourselves". I wonder if Robert Spencer is her Katza (Israeli Mossad Commanding Officer). She needs to back down on attacking American Muslims Civil Rights before she is taken to court not just by Muslims, but also by concerned Christians and Jews who do not prescribe to the Zionist Terrorist cause. Pamella Gellars finances need to be investigated by the FBI to see where she get's funding and where she send's funding. I would not be surprised to find out if this "Stealth Zionist" was involved with illegal businesses.

Fundamentalist Christians in Florida

Why does Florida have so many Fundamentalist Christians? And what is their hostility towards Islam? We as Christians need to teach other people that this is not real Christianity! These right wing fundamentalist Christians are ruining Christianity for the rest of us. THIS IS WHY THEY HATE US:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

You Don't Have to Act like a Refugee

You Don't Have to Act like a Refugee

Thursday, August 27, 2009
By FCW Editorial

Rifqa Bary says that if she's sent back to Ohio her father Mohamed will kill her. The 17-year-old, whose family immigrated from Sri Lanka, says she converted to Christianity from Islam four years ago, having picked up the religion from friends at school where she's an honors student and cheerleader. This led to four years of beatings from her father and brothers, according the right-wing blogs salivating over Rifqa's story.

"Beatings were random, violent, unprovoked," writes Pamela Geller, the "citizen journalist, citizen soldier" who runs the site Atlas Shrugs. "Take, for example, when Rifqa and her father Mohammad [sic] were driving in the car. He would force her to wear the hijab, which she hated. In her discomfort she would slouch down, embarrassed, and her father would haul off and sock her in the face so that she never forgot to sit up straight in her costume." Finally, her father told her he'd kill her for shaming the family, the teen says.

So Rifqa met a husband-and-wife Christian ministry team on Facebook, ran away from home and rode a Greyhound to their doorstep. Luckily, they live in Florida, a state where no dispute can ever be handled quickly or sensibly. (Elián González, Terry Schiavo, the 2000 recount.) She is now in foster care and a Florida juvenile court is deciding whether or not to send her back to Ohio.

Newsmax, WorldNetDaily and other conservative news sources have dedicated a lot of bandwidth to this story. Faux News is the most reliable national news source to more than glimpse at it, and only the Columbus Dispatch and Orlando Sentinel are dealing out real information.

This may be why no one has realized this story is full of holes. (Most of these people haven't even noticed the Book of Genesis is full of holes.)

Mohamed Bary, a jeweler, beats his daughter for being embarrassed at wearing a hijab but also lets her prance around in a cheerleading uniform before a crowd every Friday night? We've never even seen a picture of Rifqa Bary in a hijab; in the myriad pictures floating around the Internet, she's in typical Gap-ish clothing. She also had very unrestricted Facebook access for someone living in tyranny. She says she was at the bottom of a family dogpile for four years, but neither school officials in Ohio or the DCF agents in Florida have found as much as a bruise. The chief of the Columbus police missing persons bureau said Mr. Bary "comes across to me a loving, caring, worried father about the whereabouts and the health of his daughter."

Christian crusaders haven't dug up any dirt on Mr. Bary. They note a radical cleric and members of a terrorist cell have passed through Columbus area mosques and that a similar "honor killing" happened in Dallas — in other words, They're all the same! They cite not the Koran but interpretations of Islamic law saying Bary would have to kill his daughter. Good thing she is not coming back to a family of Christians; their holy book says rebellious teens should be stoned (Deut. 21:18-21).

Clearly, this is not about Mohamed Bary; it's about Islam and continuing irrational prejudice against it.

Rifqa Bary may not be lying exactly — the repressed memory fad proved confused people can come to believe terrible things about their families — but her story only adds up if you assume all Muslim men are secretly savages sworn to kill the infidel.

This is how the rabid right operates. Disregarding evidence or common sense, they follow the story line that makes sense to them — be it that Democrats are overhauling health care to implement "death panels" or that an ethnically complicated liberal in the White House must be a Kenyan citizen at the heart of a Dan Brown–sized conspiracy.

Here's where this kind of thinking (of lack thereof) can lead us: The law-abiding Bary family is worried, reunion or no, it may have to return to Sri Lanka because of all the negative attention. So because of right-wing paranoia, a family may actually leave the U.S. because of religious persecution.

Patrick Poole (& Ohio Rightwingers): Idiots or Racists?

Patrick Poole (& Ohio Rightwingers): Idiots or Racists?

(Same people who are on the Rifqa Bary bandwagon)

In the good 'ole days of the 60's and 70's, Conservatives/Republicans were content to target African Americans with racist politics. However, sensing an opportunity to target more minorities in the wake of the attacks of 9/11, some conservative republicans have launched crusades against all practicing the Islamic faith (or in some cases merely being of middle eastern descent). Make no mistake, the Islamic Fundamentalist misinterpreting their holy work as a sermon of destruction must be dealt with, but Islam in itself is not the threat. The issue, like in any culture, is dealing with the extremists who choose to misinterpret their scripture as license to kill.

The hatred the rightwing holds for Arabs, and those practicing any form of the Islamic faith, always amazes me. I still have immensely emotional reactions to the events that occurred on September 11th, but I've never lumped the entire middle east into my rage against those that committed the atrocities against our country. However, in my opinion, some folks - like those at FrontPage Magazine - hear the word the Islam and immediately revert into fight or flight mode. Most recently, Patrick Poole - aided by the likes of RAB and Columbuser - lashed out at Abukar Arman and insinuated he was a terrorist (or aiding and abetting terrorists). Today in a comprehensive article, the Dispatch refuted all such claims:

For the past few weeks, Arman -- who served on the county's Criminal Justice Planning Board -- was under scrutiny by federal and local law enforcement.

"We did a background check and found no criminal or terrorist connections," said county Administrator Don L. Brown. "Mr. Arman is not a person of interest."

The problem here is that organizations like Poole's Frontpage Magazine (aided by Republican blogs) initiate and serve as echo chambers for these sorts of islamic witch hunts. A second problem is that County Commissioners like Paula Brooks takes them seriously:

Poole notes the county Web site says that the criminal justice board oversees homeland security. County officials said that is an error: The board oversees justice grants and court programs, and handles no sensitive information.

Two commissioners, Marilyn Brown and Mary Jo Kilroy, didn't respond to Poole. The third, Paula Brooks, sent an e-mail to Brown on July 12.

"Don, I expect this to be investigated expeditiously," Brooks wrote. "If true, these allegations are definitely grounds for removal."

Note to Paula Brooks and all other Democratic incumbents. DON'T RESPOND OFFICIALLY TO FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE. While you're at it, it's probably a bad idea to respond officially to any other blog or publication that has a history of setting attacking (which is why I don't put info requests into most GOPers, I don't expect them to be answered). Next time you do something this half-witted, expect to have liberals down your throats too - it's moronic.

Folks like Columbuser and Poole just don't know how to say "I'm sorry." They get the whiff of Islam and they go stark raving mad. As evidence from Columbuser's response today:

Democrats and the Franklin County Board of Commissioners are pumping the fact that a criminal background check on Abukar Arman “found no criminal or terrorist connections,” according to Franklin County Administrator Don L. Brown. This is somewhat besides the point, since Arman was not accused of any criminal activity, but rather of “praise for [US] designated terrorist organizations and individuals.” The accusations were made by Hilliard resident Patrick Poole, both on his blog and in the online FrontPage Magazine.

Here’s the Dispatch’s article on the “clearing” of Arman and here’s Patrick Poole’s response. Patrick is a bit kinder to the Dispatch than I would be. The article ignores the fact that the Democratic/county response is completely off-point.

Point blank, the county response was appropriate. They noted there was no terrorist connection. Anyone that tells you otherwise is letting their own bias get in the way of the facts. Also, these folks should be admonished for trying to tie terrorism to Democrats, even after the individual in question is cleared. Columbuser makes a nice try of this with his headline "Franklin County Democratys 'clear' HAMAS supporter," and RAB previously tried to use the issue against Mayor Coleman. The issue for these folks is that they think Abukar inappropriately praised Islamic organizations they don't approve of. I don't have too much to weigh in on that issue, however, I would note that the investigation found that Abukar broke no law. However:

Arman counters that even U.S. government officials now are talking with the Islamic Courts Union, which, despite its harsh fundamentalist rule, did stop lawlessness for a time in Somalia. He says that his writings simply point out that Al-Qaradawi is viewed by many Muslims as a moderate.

Also, Frontpage magazine, RAB, Columbuser, and others owe Abukar Arman an apology for discrediting his reputation. However, I won't be holding my breath too long on that one.

The Law of Apostasy in Christianity

The Law of Apostasy in Christianity, something Christians are very silent on. They often preach about freedom to convert, and the rights of minorities and all, but let us read their own Bible:

Chapter 13

1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, 2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; 3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. 5 And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.

6 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; 7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; 8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: 9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. 10 And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 11 And all Israel shall hear, and fear, and shall do no more any such wickedness as this is among you.

12 If thou shalt hear say in one of thy cities, which the LORD thy God hath given thee to dwell there, saying, 13 Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known; 14 Then shalt thou inquire, and make search, and ask diligently; and, behold, if it be truth, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought among you; 15 Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword. 16 And thou shalt gather all the spoil of it into the midst of the street thereof, and shalt burn with fire the city, and all the spoil thereof every whit, for the LORD thy God: and it shall be an heap for ever; it shall not be built again. 17 And there shall cleave nought of the cursed thing to thine hand: that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and show thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers; 18 When thou shalt hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep all his commandments which I command thee this day, to do that which is right in the eyes of the LORD thy God.

So as you can see, the punishment of apostasy in Christianity is DEATH, and not only that, the one who tries to convert you is also to be put the death!!!! Note even whole cities are to be destroyed!!!!

So Christians are the last one to talk about the punishment of apostasy, since the punishment for apostasy according to the Bible is DEATH.

What will Christians now say? Will they come up with the typical lie they always say when put in a hole that 'oh no we don’t have to follow the OT anymore'. That has become quite a famous line now, anyways, I would like the Christian to show me where this rule has been abrogated or told to not be followed. I have not seen it in the NT.

Secondly, note the ending of the verse, it says KEPP ALL HIS COMMANDMENTS, which also include this command to kill apostates and those who try to convert you. Let us read what Jesus said in the NT:

Luke 10:

18. A certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
19. "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone.
20. You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.' "
21. "All these I have kept since I was a boy," he said.
22. When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

So as Jesus himself said, you know the commandments don’t you? Yes, you do, so as Jesus said follow them. And what do we read at the end of Deuteronomy 13:

18 When thou shalt hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep all his commandments which I command thee this day, to do that which is right in the eyes of the LORD thy God

So it says keep the commandments, which included killing apostates and those who try to convert you, what did Jesus say? Keep the commandments, ALL OF THEM. Which includes this law of apostasy.

So Christians are the LAST to be talking about freedom to convert. This is just a typical missionary tactic, which is becoming very common now, this also shows how pathetic Christian missionaries really are, and it does show how pathetic some Christian people are also, since they always come preaching how bad Islam is and how Christianity grants freedom for all, obviously they talk from ignorance since most Christians have never even read their own Bible. I am not trying to be offensive in saying that, but it is true, Christians should start reading their own Bible, and read the filth found in it, when you tell a Christian that Judah had sex with his daughter in law and that Jesus comes from this lineage, they call you a liar and a pervert which shows how little they know about their own Bible.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Why Do Fundamentalist Evangelical Christians Think that all Muslims Lie?

I am the type of Christian that is dressed in the "Kingdom of Jerusalem's Blue Outfit", however the Templars of The Global Revolution Church and those who support them think like the Templars dressed in White with Red Crosses on their chest!

There is another video that has obviously been removed by the Evangelical Templars due to it's truth which portrays the following story:

Baldwin asks Balian to marry Sybilla, knowing that the pair have affection for each other, but Balian does not accept as he refuses to be associated with the necessary murder of Guy; such political intrigue being counter to Balian's morality. After Baldwin finally dies, Sibylla's son Baldwin V a child of six years becomes King of Jerusalem. Guy goes to Raynald for advice and realizes that even though Balian is not King, he can still become the General of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Aware of this threat, and infuriated by the knowledge of his wife's affair with Balian, Guy sends several Templars to murder him, but they fail, with Balian narrowly managing to defeat the assassins. It is soon realized that Baldwin is stricken like his uncle with leprosy; crushed by the knowledge of this, Sibylla euthanizes her son preventing him from suffering. Sibylla succeeds her son and therefore names Guy as her King Consort of Jerusalem. Guy, now free to do as he pleases, releases Raynald, and has Raynald and his Templar lackeys provoke Saladin to war by murdering Saladin's sister. When Saladin sends an emissary to demand the return of his sister's body, the heads of those responsible, and the surrender of Jerusalem, Guy answers by cutting the emissary's throat, nearly causing a fight between Tiberias's knights, the Knights Hospitaler, and the Knights Templar. As the emissary's body is towed away, Guy arrogantly whispers "I am Jerusalem."

The Bible Teaches to Kill The Apostate! Can we say The Pastor is a hypocrite?

Considering that all the talk has been of apostasy in Islam and Honor Killings (which is false and not practiced except by un-Islamic tribal people), I thought you may be interested to learn that you may want to learn how Apostasy and Honor Killing is handled in the Bible:
Here are some other verses from the Bible:
The Bible says to kill the Apostate and do Honor Killings for the Rebellious children ?
"If anyone secretly entices you--even if it is your brother, your father's son or your mother's son, or your own son or daughter, or the wife you embrace, or your most intimate friend-- saying, "Let us go worship other gods" you must not yield to or heed any such persons. Show them no pity or compassion and do not shield them. But you shall surely KILL them; your own hand shall be first against them to execute them, and then the hand of all the people. Stone them to death for trying to turn you away from the Lord your God." (Deut 13:6-10)

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear. – (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
He that curseth his father, or his mother [A rebellious son/daughter], shall surely be put to death. –(Exodus 21:17)
Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you. --- (Deuteronomy 22:21)
"Any woman who prays with her head unveiled dishonors her head. It is the same as if her head were shaven, for if a woman will not veil herself then she should cut off her hair. But if it is disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaven , let her wear a veil. (1 Corenthians 11 :5).
Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed ADULTERY with HER already...-----(MATT 5:028)
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at HOME, good, OBEDIENT to their HUSBANDS... ------ (Timothy 2:005)
Likewise, ye wives, be in SUBJECTION to your own HUSBANDS. ----- (1PE 3:001)
Women should remain SILENT in the Church. They are NOT ALLOWED to speak, but must be in SUBMISSION, as the Law says. – (1 Corinthians 14:34)
"I permit NO woman to TEACH or have AUTHORITY over men". –( 1 Timothy 2:11-14)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Xenos Church Fellowship, Tayee Adrian, Pastor Brian Williams, Pastor Blake Lorenz, and The Global Revolution Church: Rise of Christian Fundamentalism

This situation with the Fathima Rifqa Bary story is very scary, you have a combination of underground cells of individuals working with underground mega Churches to steal peoples children for free labor camps! Interestingly enough from the reports that have been coming in, THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME THEY HAVE INDOCRINATED A YOUTH. There is a case that we were sent that deals with an Ohio Mom in Stow, Ohio by the name of Annemarie Smith who lost her son Tom to these same zealots. The name of this weblog is 'Parents Against Xenos': After reading this blog that was just recently sent to us, we believe that the same network of fanatics have done it again. We recieved an email just today explaining that the Pastor Blake Lorenz has been on vacation out of the country during the time that the fundamentalist attorney by the name of John Stemberger has been assigned to the case. He is filing to have the girl adopted by another person instead of the Pastor Blake Lorenz, probably because the Pastor will be indicted for charges of "delinquency of a minor" as well as possible "kidnapping".

What should be noted is the way that the Governor of Florida has jumped on the Fundamentalist Christian Right bandwagon and approved of keeping Fathima Rifqa Bary in Flordia for the trial! He needs to be voted out of office by every person that has a consience!

Rifqa has been indocrinated since she was probably 14 and now at 17 she is being taken, said a Christian friend of Rifqas from school. We have been bombarded by her friends sending in emails to us to let the world know about the virtual kidnapping that has taken place by Christian Fundamentalists. The new attorney on the case is John Stemberger who is associated with the Arlington Group from what we hear. Also, a close friend to the local Ohio hate-monger "Patrick Poole" has told us that he has started his hate machine again on this case relating to Rifqa Bary. This is not confirmed, but this close source to Patrick Poole in Columbus, Ohio has told us that he is a middle-aged hermit who lives with his parents and does nothing but spew hate against Muslims. Which makes us wonder why people even quote this guy in any news!

Note: The picture above is of a young Christian Fundamentalist by the name of Tayee Adrian who was Rifqa's liason with Xenos Fellowship Church, Pastor Brian Williams, Pastor Blake Lorenz, and The Global Revolution Church.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Looks like Fathima Rifqa Bary was not the first child abducted by the Fundamentalist Christian Evangelicals of the Xenos Church Fellowship and The Global Revolution Church in Orlando, Florida!...

A CATHOLIC MOTHER by the name of Annemarie Smith lost her son "Tom" to the same zealots...

I want my son back!

By parentsagainstxenos

My name is Annemarie and I am the mother of Tom. I love this child more than anything else in my life. I would die for him. He is a warm, loving, caring, giving human being. But most of all my best friend. His father and I are so proud of all his accomplishments and even his failures have proved he will never stop trying to be better. At 18 he is a man for older men to look up to.

After our recent move to Stow, Ohio where we thought we would find a better, safer life for our children than in Akron where we were living previously, my son made his first new friend at Kimpton Junior High School in Stow, Ohio. This is were our hell began. This friend invited Tom to his Dad’s Bible study at their home. We are Catholics but I have always been willing to let my kids participate with their friends at their church functions. Thinking it made you a more tolerant human being by understanding other people’s religion. But first I wanted to meet this “DAD” and be sure this was not a cult or anything I deemed inappropriate. Little did I know I was right on with my first instinct. So we meant with ************** and he managed to have all the right answers, telling us this was no different than the Catholic religion other than they do not believe in confession and do not have a church. But all the same basic teachings were the same. This is interesting because later on we will find that ****** has a whole speech he does about “those Catholics”. The majority of the people in the group were in high school, Stow Munroe Falls High School, and college, Akron University and his main focus was to keep kids off the streets and to make a group of friends that would be together and keep each other from trouble.We let him go. He loved it. He made friends. But never wanted to really share what it was they discussed. But I felt he would let me know if he felt uncomfortable.

Tom is not your average kid, he never has been. He is younger than anyone in his class. yet much wiser and smarter than most kids older than him. He is very mature. He has always been on the honor roll, he was in the post secondary program at the high school and had an honors schoarship lined up for college. His dream was to be an astonaut. He was amazing and we were so proud of him.

About a year ago at age 17 we began to notice some changes in him and were concerned about their cause and tried to talk to him about these changes. He was very evasive and just reassured us that everything was fine. But the warning signs were all there, weight loss, loss of interest, nothing much to say, not wanting to spend time with family, never home, grades dropping, fighting with siblings, loss of affection and kindness. But the most noticeable was his speaking as if reading from a script and sometimes questions were answered simply by saying I can’t answer that right now. He also informed us that he wanted to be baptized in his “new” church. I was mortified. I had failed in my religion and also my son. Catholics must promise to raise their children also in the Catholic faith, I have always held that dear to my heart and this news just caught me off guard. He wanted to be baptized at theXenos Christian Fellowship, they have no church so I assume it is in someone’s basement. We said no, that he was baptized already and this was not going to happen. The subject was dropped but his behavior became worse and the lies were piling up. But it didn’t stop there he began telling us that it made him to sad to be here knowing that we were going to burn in hell for our religous beliefs and sins of our flesh. What church would teach this to their children? I contacted everyone I could think of for help and support but found very little.

Shortly after Tom’s 18th Birthday on August 5th he invites us to attend his Baptism, when we refused an argument quickly erupted. He told us that he could not feel as close and connected to us as he does the church people, and he could not have relationships that were not centered around his church and “his God”. He told us that he was not going back to college and he was moving out, that he needed time to build his relationship with God. A member of the church helped him get a summer internship at Nasa, so that he would have the money to break these family ties. And that is exactly what happened, he was ridding himself of his wordly things and focusing only on Godly things. He carries on like a madman about society being evil and depraved, yet informs us that now he wants to be a police officer. This is the most heartbreaking thing you have ever seen.

Through much investigation and effort we have been able to figure out how this happened and how ************ brainwashing of these kids works. The older college kids get their siblings at the high school and junior high to seek outkids that will be candidates for them. Kids like Tom who was new to the area with no friends yet, kids from single parent families, kids who have no friends or support system at home, poor kids or kids who just didn’t fit in somehow. Once they get these kids to the “bible study” which is more like a party with pizza, games, scavenger hunts. They build a deep trust over a long period of time. They make it fun to be there and trust is slowly building. I know this sounds totally out there but I missed all these signs for four years and hind sight being what it is, I hate myself for missing them all this time. I am so fortunate to have always been a stay at home mom, here all the time. I have a hard working husband who spent all his free time with me and the kids. Honestly our life seemed perfect, I thought we had the perfect family and had strong family values. It is very frightening how quickly your family can change. Ours caused by one horrible, evil man. He has even let run aways move into his home, nothing is to low for this man.

In August the members took a group of kids from the high school on a camping trip. Some of these girls were 13 and 14 years old. Out camping with college boys. I know there were no sexual things going on as they are supposed to save it for marriage and I beleive Tom would never participate in anything like that. But these kids were their being brainwashed, groomed if you will for their future with this cult.

********** is a very smooth operator and has this plan so carefully worked out and everyone versed on what they are doing and what their job is. I honestly can not believe that his wife does not see or simply just does not care what he is doing to families all over Stow. Groups of girls from this cult have put up terrible hate websites and as soon as it was found out they were quickly taken down. This man is evil and charades as a loving, caring man who just has a personal calling to keep kids off the streets. Believe me I will be the first to admit that I loved telling people that my teenager was at bible study and at church on saturday night and sledding and camping with a church group. I was so proud to be able to tell everyone what a great teenager I had. I am so ashamed, so sad and so sorry that I failed my son and my family.

For now I have lost my son, he is gone, he has moved out of our home and into ***** the prophets control. I have to believe that someday my son will wake up from this nightmare and come home. He will get tired of giving all that he has and all that he earns to this idiot. I do believe this will happen, I have to. I also believe our family values and love are stronger than anything ******* has to offer him.

But my hope in all this is to save another teenager or unsuspecting parent from going through what I have gone through. Be careful know who your kids are with and where they are at. Even better do what I regret failing to do GO THERE!!!! See where they will be, who they will be with and exactly what they will be hearing. Ask questions and demand answers. I did all these things and was still violated by another type of child predator. And this predator is just as dangerous as any other. I will never stop fighting for my son and to break up this “CULT”. I refuse from this point on to call it anything but that. This is what it is and it is taking our children and more people need to care. Right now the pain is unmeasurable for myself, my husband and my other children. We are suffering a great loss, our son, our brother and our friend TOM.

If anyone wants someone to talk to, please contact me. If you are in this situation now, please get your child out of it. If you have something to add, please do.

Annemarie Smith


Fathima Rifqa Bary

This story about the young Muslim girl by the name of Fathima Rifqa Bary is very disturbing, because she was brainwashed and virtually abducted by Fundamentalist Christian Evangelicals via the use of facebook and myspace. There is a group here locally in Ohio called "Xenos Church Fellowship" ( which brainwashes young kids of various religions and races and indoctrinates them to go against their parents, family, friends, and community. There is an identical case that has been talked about on the news lately and posted on various blogs about a lady in Stow, Ohio by the name of Annemarie Smith who lost her son "Tom" to the same Fundamentalist Christian Evangelicals! Please check out this website called "Parents Against Xenos"

After watching a video of Pamela Gellar, I realized that this girl is living her wild Fundamentalist Christian Evangelical fantasy that is visualized in the movie that was posted on her facebook called "A Walk to Remember" where the PASTOR'S DAUGHTER FALLS IN LOVE WITH A YOUNG GUY WHO DOES NOT CARE SHE HAS HEALTH ISSUES (Rifqa has blindness in her right eye, which is why the Bary family moved to the USA in the first place!)

These right wing fundamentalist Christian Evangelical extremists need to be investigated and arrested if possible for such crimes that remind us of the "Child Soldier" issues of other countries. Indoctrination is dangerous and is also reminiscient of the "HITLER YOUTH". Just listen to Rifqa's uncut video, the way she screams for Jesus, she might as well be saying "Seig Heil"!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

White Christian Man Raping 4 year old girl!

Grand jury to convene for more possible charges against admitted child rapist David Harold Earls.

Sudden Crusade Syndrome

The Neocon/Zionist agenda of using MKUltra type of techniques to drive a White Christian male to the brink of insanity in order to carry out Anti-Abortion like killing sprees is rather disturbing!